Working for yourself, and even without leaving home, is the best way to earn money, especially during times of economic instability or crisis. I prepared the best business ideas from scratch at home.
Some of them require minimal investment or do not require it at all, while others will require more money to implement. One way or another, these models are suitable for both women and men.
Independence and unlimited growth are the main advantages of your business. And if all this happens within the walls of the house, then it is also worth mentioning about convenience and comfort. You don't need to waste time on the road, comply with someone's requirements, or monitor someone's work performance.
However, on the other hand, there are higher risks and responsibilities. Now you are the blacksmith of your own happiness, and the saying "Who works, eats" is your motto. Now you will not be able to sit out the working day "from call to call", you will have to work hard. So, let's go, let's analyze the ideas.
The contents:
- Online business ideas;
- Offline business ideas;
- How to choose;
- Results.
Online business ideas
Nowadays, it is possible to work remotely from home, having a computer and Internet access at hand. And what usually starts out as a part-time job can eventually become a full-scale business. Consider popular ideas for earning money online.
The Internet is an open field for opening and promoting your business. Yes, this type of earnings is becoming more popular, but you can still find your place in the sun.
For example, you can become a copywriter-a specialist in writing expert articles (informational, advertising, review, etc.). First, you can just work as a freelancer, then open an individual entrepreneur or your own Agency.

In the latter case, you will eventually be able to step back from writing tests and supervise the work of copywriters, editors, proofreaders, and other members of your staff.
This method does not require any investment. All you need is a computer, stable Internet connection, spare time and the skills of the copywriter.
As for the latter, there are quite a few instructional books and free courses. If you wish, you can take paid courses and get a certificate.
You can become an expert in one area, for example, if you already have pedagogical education, it is possible to write texts about the development and upbringing of children. Or you can learn the art of selling and advertising texts and help other people promote their business.
Creation and content of sites
The first option for business on websites is to master the work of a copywriter, create and fill your site, and then monetize it, that is, choose one of the most convenient ways to earn money on your site.
However, to do this, you will first need to complete a paid or free course on creating websites (using the ad Builder or on a WordPress-type platform) or study this issue yourself using the literature. In principle, anyone can handle the creation of a website, you don't need to know programming to do this.

The second way is to learn how to create websites and do it for money. The first orders, as in the case of copywriting, can be found on freelance exchanges. As you gain experience, you can raise prices.
In the future, you can register an individual entrepreneur or create your own Agency for content or website creation. To start a business, no investment is required, you only need a properly working computer, free time, and desire.
Online store or online school, wholesale purchases
You can create a store or school in a social network, for example, through a group in Vkontakte or organize your own website. Let's take a closer look at each option.
Online store or wholesale purchases. It is better to do this in social networks. Creating a group will take a couple of hours, but it will take time to promote it. If you have the opportunity to invest, it is better to order paid promotion of the group, advertising in other public sites.
If we are talking about an online store, then you can sell your product or engage in resale, for example, many people order things on Aliexpress and sell them at a small mark-up.

To earn money on wholesale fees, you need to register on one of the special sites (Suppliers, Optlist, SUPL, and others), find a supplier, collect customers and distribute orders to them, and receive rewards for working as an organizer. It is better to search for customers in social networks.
It is better to organize an online school through a website and promote it through social networks. If you are able and willing to teach people something, then you can teach yourself via Skype, organize webinars. Or you can act as an organizer, founder, and recruit teachers. However, in the latter case, you will have to invest a lot.
Setting up ads
One of the ways to monetize public posts on social networks or websites is to earn money on targeted advertising. And many more companies need advertising promotion. People are willing to pay good money for high-quality ad customization.
You can learn the basics of this specialty on a free course from Yandex or in another organization, or take paid training. No other investment is required, just a working computer is needed.
Outsourcing services
Outsourcing is the transfer of some responsibilities from one company to another. For example, one firm assigns accounting or legal support to another person. You can collaborate with several companies at once.
Offline business ideas
The provision of professional services
Do you already know something and want to develop yourself in this area? Great! Here's what you can do:
- tutoring and training sessions;
- beauty salon at home (manicure, pedicure, waxing, massage, coloring and haircut, extension or other procedures with hair, working with eyelashes and eyebrows, etc);
- repair of equipment (computers, phones, tablets);

- custom tailoring or clothing repair.
This is a small part of what you can do at home. For men in the garage, you can arrange:
- the interior repair and painting of machines, including to provide services for tinting or other types of work;
- dry cleaning (cars, furniture, clothes, toys, mattresses, etc.);
- manufacture of furniture;
- repair of large equipment, such as refrigerators.
Some specialties require almost no investment, for example, consulting or tutoring via Skype. Others assume the cost of tools, equipment, materials, and so on. Perhaps you already have a few customers, it will significantly accelerate the process of promotion.
Services with departure to the client's address
You can run and organize a business, search for clients, and fill out accounting documents at home, but the work itself takes place outside the home. Examples of such employment:
- working as a babysitter;
- establishment of a cleaning company for premises and adjacent territories;

- work as an animator or host of holidays;
- dog walking;
- the carrying out of plumbing work.
This type of business is similar to providing professional services within the walls of your home, here you will also have to spend on equipment, but in addition you will need to take into account the cost of travel (gasoline).
By the way, many of the services listed in the previous paragraph can also be provided on the road, for example, doing hairstyles or makeup at home with clients.
Farming, animal husbandry, cooking
In the private house, you can engage in breeding and selling livestock. The second way to earn money is to sell farming and animal husbandry products. Here's what you can make and sell:
- milk,
- curd,
- cheese,
- eggs,
- meat,
- sausage,
- jam,
- pickles,
- other information.

Within the walls of an apartment or house, you can organize a bakery, prepare homemade Lunches or desserts, make cakes to order. You can grow and sell flowers, berries, vegetables, and fruits. Of course, each of these ideas requires investments: for equipment, for keeping animals, for tools and materials.
Handmade products
Examples of what you can do with your own hands:
- soap,
- toys,
- clothing,
- business cards,
- furniture,
- Souvenirs,
- accessories,
- portraits,
- money,
- candlesticks,
- bouquets of flowers,
- other information.

You can knit, embroider, burn, draw, sculpt, sew, create bouquets and other things from beads, etc. you Can make perfumes, shampoos. In addition to creating something from scratch, you can also do decoration and restoration. This type of business requires investment in materials, equipment, and advertising.
Clothing, cars, equipment, or other items for rent
It is unlikely that you will earn much on the delivery of clothes, but renting cars or expensive equipment can please with payback. However, first you will have to spend money on the things themselves and you will have to constantly spend money on their provision (repair, care).
Rental of real estate
If you have apartments or you can buy some premises (a room, Studio, garage, apartment, etc.), then you can rent them out. You can search for clients, meet with them, and transfer money from the comfort of your home.
This business can not be called cheap and does not require investment, but if you already have an empty property, then this is a good option. The earned funds can be invested in new premises.
Passenger transportation or cargo transportation
You can organize trips to other cities or tours to concerts and festivals. You can transport cargo in your own city, region, or across Russia. The scale of your business depends solely on your wishes and capabilities.

Both passenger and cargo transportation require investments: rental or purchase and maintenance of cars, hiring drivers, gasoline costs, and other expenses.
The development of your brand, authorship
If you have something to tell the world, you can start writing and publishing books: poems, autobiographies, short stories, and educational materials. If you have an author's methodology in any field, then you can start selling your course, training sessions, etc.
It is particularly popular in nutrition, the field of fitness, working on the Internet. If you have musical abilities, then you can write music or process someone's compositions, help people record songs.
Each of these types requires serious investment. However, if you are a real Pro in your field, then the investment will quickly pay off.
How to choose
Let's summarize all this and present our ideas in a table.
A business idea from scratch | Attachments |
Copywriting | Not required or minimal |
Creating and filling out websites | Minimum requirements |
Online store or online school, wholesale purchases | Minimum requirements |
Setting up ads | Minimum requirements |
Outsourcing services | Minimum requirements |
The provision of professional services | Required, depends on your specialization |
Services with departure to the client's address | Required, depends on your specialization |
Farming, animal husbandry, cooking | Required, large |
Handmade products | Required, depending on the specifics of your business |
Clothing, cars, equipment, or other items for rent are Required, large | Required, large |
Rental of real estate | More often required, large |
Passenger transportation or cargo transportation | Required, large |
The development of your brand, authorship | Required, large |
These is not all the options for earning money at home, perhaps you will come up with something of your own. In any case, when choosing an idea, it is important to remember the following::
- Is this relevant on the market right now?
- How long does this business management to be at the Top, and will it be relevant in 5 years?
- What is the competition in this area, specifically in your region?
- What attachments are needed?
- What are the prospects for the business, and what is its payback?
- Do you have enough tools, capital, and skills to start a business?
- Where will you look for clients and what is your target audience?
It is important to choose what you really understand or want to understand; what you are interested in.
In conclusion, I would like to note that many people start building their business in parallel with their main job or having some kind of safety cushion.
Training, developing ratings, reviews, and reputations, building portfolios, honing skills, and finding clients-all this takes time, although it doesn't require any material investment. However, in some cases, you will also have to invest money.
By the way, I did not specify any amounts, because all this is very abstract, depending on the specific activity, region, your experience and talent, and the current market situation. However, I tried to find universal ideas for business that do not lose their relevance no matter what.
Thus, I described the best business ideas from scratch at home, outlined possible prospects, and a general development plan for each area. Then the choice is yours. Remember that after you decide on an idea, you need to draw up a detailed business plan, set intermediate and final goals and deadlines, analyze the market, prepare all the tools, including training materials and platforms for earning money, etc.