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How to make money on your website - TOP 13 ways and step by step instructions

How to make money on your site

Hello! On this page we will talk about how to make money on your site.

Most sites are created precisely in order to be able to earn money. And even if the administrator did not initially have such a goal, over time, when his site becomes popular, he will receive tempting offers. And to refuse them would be a great folly. But how to make money on your site for a beginner who does not have much knowledge or vast experience? And that these were not just pennies, but real money on which you can live in peace and not worry about the future. You can find answers to all these questions on this page!

What you need to know about making money on your site

Without having your own website, you can only make money by selling or providing services. The profit will be proportionally equal to the effort and time spent. The site, on the other hand, will make a profit almost automatically, you can make passive income from this . It can be thought of as a marketing system.

The site is open around the clock. During this time, he is a generator of monetary resources. If we compare it with a business, then it seems to do the work for the courier, and for the seller, and for the manager.

But before you start making money on your site, you will have to put a lot of effort into its development and promotion. And if the money was invested in the right direction, and the time was spent on the right things, then very soon you will receive a ready-made system for completely automatic profit.

Of course, the amount of funds received will depend entirely on the degree of promotion of the project and its scale. If the site is large and has good popularity among Internet users, then its administrator can count on high profits, which, with a reasonable approach, will grow every year.

Owners of small unpromoted sites should not hope for a quick profit. Before you start making money on the site you need to do a lot of work. And you need to start it with the creation of the “right” resource, which in the future will not only be able to recoup the funds spent on it, but also bring a stable income to its creator.

What is the best site for making money

Which site is suitable for earning

Creating a website just for the sake of making a profit will not work. And if experienced webmasters can still cope with such a task, then a beginner is definitely not able to do it. If you manage to get some income from it, then it will be mere pennies. So, how to make money on the site for a beginner?

The site needs to be created with the wrong message in order to get as much money from it as possible. First of all, the resource should be useful to people, be interesting to them. And only in this case, you can think about earnings. After all, no one wants to advertise on a site without visitors. And, moreover, there will be no one to view it.

Also, experienced administrators do not recommend creating resources for making money on the Internet or those that are intended only for viewing by adults. In addition, you need to create sites only on the topic that you really understand. It should contain verified and useful information that will attract a visitor to the site for the second time, and for the third time, and push the person to recommend the resource to their friends.

Only high-quality and interesting sites make a profit. And you need to remember this before you  create your site and have hopes to make money on it.

We create our site

First of all, you need to create your website . To do this, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Buy domain and hosting . Beginners can get confused by complex and incomprehensible names, and this is just a name for the site and a server for storing files. At this stage, the administrator will have to invest some funds. And if a beginner does not have much money available, then he does not have to buy a dedicated server, which will be expensive. You can use the services of low-cost companies from which, after registration, you can purchase an inexpensive domain (domains in the RU zone are especially cheap). They also offer hosting. The minimum price for them is from 100 rubles per month (agree, this is quite inexpensive);
  2. Install and configure the engine. There are paid CMS, there are good free ones. The choice is up to the creator of the site. If you have the funds, you can purchase a paid one, if not, you can try good free options. Recently, a huge number of sites have been created on Joomla and WordPress. Here is an article on how to download, install and get started with WordPress . And here's how to optimize your blog . There are also many helpful videos and blogs on the subject.

There are many different opinions on whether to buy a domain and hosting, or go for the free options. Here it is worth proceeding from how serious and thoughtful your project is. If you strongly decided to create your own website, already have a lot of information that people need and use, and are ready to work hard in order to make a profit from it, then definitely buy a domain and hosting. A high-quality and interesting site (what topic it would not be on) will very soon pay off all the costs.

Free hosting is used only in exceptional cases:

  • If you need to support the main site in this way;
  • To thus have fun, and then quit this venture.

The rest of the cases just require the purchase of a domain and hosting. Otherwise, it is simply unrealistic to make a serious project.

Website promotion

Website promotion

The site must be filled with useful content - this is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Here are some helpful articles:

  • How to write articles for the site ;
  • Where to order or buy articles inexpensively .

But there is a second statement that is beyond doubt - the site must have an attractive appearance. Well, people will not visit a resource that is inconvenient and looks like it was created on a drunken head. Even if it contains the most useful information in the world, the user will not visit the resource a second time if he cannot find anything. Therefore, first of all, the created site should be focused on the user, and not on earnings.

It is highly advisable to purchase a unique template for the site, and not use a free one that is used by a lot of people. So your site will look no different from the rest. And, as we all know, they are greeted by clothes. Your site can be confused with another, less interesting one. But if not possible, then use templates.

The site structure should be clear and as simple as possible. Then you need to think about filling it. You constantly need to write new articles, add pictures or videos.

In order to attract as many visitors as possible, you need to know exactly what queries they are interested in. To do this, you will need to use the Yandex Wordstat service. Collect all the key queries on your topic and write articles for these queries.

Yes, and one appearance does not solve anything. To promote the site, read the articles:

  • How to promote a site ;
  • How to promote a blog .

How to make money on your own website - 13 effective ways

From the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to create a truly worthwhile resource, you need to spend well. Those who want to immediately get their money back (and preferably in multiples) need to calm down and be patient. Nothing happens right away. Same with your website. Before you make a website and make money on it, you need to save up enough money and find free time to implement the idea.

Experts recommend placing ads on the site only after its attendance becomes more than 500 people per day. And this simply cannot be achieved in a short time. Half a year minimum.

And in order to return the invested funds and start making a "clean" profit, there are several proven and effective ways to make money on sites.

Method 1. Selling goods through one-page sites

One page website

This is a method that has been proven over the years and has always given a positive result. But even here you can’t do without investments - you need to buy goods and advertising.

Its essence is very simple: buy low and sell high. This applies, first of all, to the sale of Chinese goods , such as souvenirs, toys, watches, gadgets, and so on. The margin on such goods can reach from half the cost to hundreds of percent.

If you are thinking about how to make money quickly on the site, then this method will suit you. His work is as follows:

Step 1. You need to conduct a detailed analysis of the niche.

You need to analyze the market and decide on the product that you plan to sell. This information can be obtained on the showcases of teaser networks. For example, on the MarketGuide showcase. Also, to assess the popularity of a product through the number of requests, you can track it on Wordstat.

Step 2. Create a site for sale and set it up.

Even the creation of a one-page site (landing page) is best entrusted to specialists . If you have such experience, then you can do everything yourself. You can find masters on the Workzilla freelance exchanges .

Step 3. Launch an advertising campaign.

After the product is selected, and the site itself is already working, you need to move on to attracting customers. To do this, you can use teaser or contextual advertising Yandex Direct and Google Adwords .

You can do it yourself, but for this you need to understand the topic very well. But you can also order contextual advertising settings .

You can also use free advertising on the Internet .

After that, you can already hope for a flow of visitors and getting the first orders.

Step 4. Purchase goods

Why is the item on the purchase of goods spelled out almost at the end, and not at the very beginning. But because if you immediately buy a product, and do not do all the rest of the work first, then you can simply not sell it. And this will already be wasted money that no one will return to you.

Therefore, it is better to first get orders for a certain product, and only then buy it from the manufacturer or dealer.

On the landing page, you will receive applications from real visitors who will leave their contact details. After that, you will need to call them, or contact them in some other way, to make sure that they are real people. The customer must confirm the order. Only after that you can buy the goods.

It is very important to find a supplier and buy goods in bulk . It is recommended not to buy very large quantities of goods, as the demand for it may fall, and the goods will remain with you. First you need to order a product in a small quantity for testing. And if things go well - buy more lots (it turns out even cheaper).

Step 5. Send the goods and get your money

By this time, you should already have a website launched, advertising posted, applications received from buyers and goods purchased. Goods can be sent  cash on delivery to the specified address. You can also use the services of transport companies. After the client receives the goods and pays for it, you can receive your earned funds. It takes approximately 2-5 days.

But there is another kind of this way of making money on the Internet . It's called dropshipping . The peculiarity of this method of trading is that you do not need to buy goods from a wholesaler. An application comes to your landing page, you process it and send it to the wholesale warehouse. Already from there the goods are sent to the client.

This method has both its pros and cons. The unequivocal advantage is that you do not risk your money by purchasing goods in advance. The risks of losing funds are reduced to almost zero. But there is also a drawback. This method of trading involves an advance payment, to which not all buyers agree. Therefore, the number of applications decreases, sales fall.

Method 2. Selling customer contact information (lead generation)

Sale of contact details

A lead is a person who left you contact information or contacted you in order to order a product or service. In online business, leads are also called applications for the same goods and services. This type of income is beneficial to engage in projects with a high level of attendance.

If the site is created on the topic of earnings, business or entrepreneurship, and it is visited by thousands of people a day, then the administrator may well earn extra money on this. Moreover, he will receive funds for those services that he does not even provide.

Quite a lot of novice businessmen and entrepreneurs visit sites with such topics. Of course, they may be interested in various types of services (for example,  legal advice , business plan development , etc.). You just need to offer them such services by placing banners that will lead them to those people who can provide such services.

First of all, in order to be able to earn money on this, you need to find people who are engaged in the provision of such services, and negotiate with them. You will provide them with user contacts, and they will pay for it.

Method 3. How to make money on contextual advertising

How to make money on contextual advertising

If you ask “How to make money on a website on the Internet?”, then quite often you will be given the answer - on the placement of contextual advertising. This is one of the most common types of earnings on sites. Its essence is quite simple to understand - the articles posted on the resource use links to other sites, but the text of the advertisement itself corresponds to the subject of the article (in whole or in part).

The funds earned through contextual advertising come from the advertiser, who pays for the number of clicks that users make. In this case, the number of clicks from unique visitors is considered.

The system that handles the mediation also withholds a percentage of the amount received. Therefore, net profit can only be calculated without taking it into account.

This type of earnings today is called the most prestigious of all possible. After all, the systems that place ads on them are very demanding on the selected resources. The site that is registered there must meet all the necessary requirements. Accordingly, its level should be higher than those sites that cannot meet all these requirements.

How and how much can you earn on advertising on your site?

On contextual advertising, you can earn as much as you want per month. It all depends on the level of site traffic by users and the relevance of the posted information. The more expensive the theme of the site is, the more expensive the system will pay for one click.

To place contextual advertising on your site, you can use the following systems:

  1. Yandex advertising network. This system is recommended by both experienced webmasters and beginners. Here you can find a large number of tools for earning money, a huge number of target audiences are covered, and the interface is very simple and understandable. But there are traffic restrictions for working with Yandex. The site cannot be registered on the service, the attendance of which is below 300 people per day;
  2. Google Edsense. In the English-speaking Internet, the Google search engine undoubtedly occupies a leading position. This cannot be said about Runet, since Yandex is the leader here. But Google Adsense offers features that are not presented in other similar systems;
  3. Runner. This is the very first contextual advertising system on the Russian-speaking Internet. It was launched back in 2002 and is still running today. The service is very easy to manage, does not require a very high level of attendance (from 2 people per day). Among other things, Begun offers not only geographic targeting, but also gender targeting. This means that some banners will be visible only to women, some only to men.

Lately the Runner has been almost out of action. Making money on it has become almost impossible. Therefore, it is better to refer to the first two options.

Method 4. Selling links

Selling links

You can also earn good money by selling links. But it must be said right away that it is not very welcome by search engines. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and not get banned by search engines. But, whatever it was, this way of earning is still very popular.

Before you understand how to make money on links, you need to know why they sell them. They are bought in order to raise the site's ranking in search engine results or to increase the site's performance. Selling links can be done manually, or maybe through various link exchanges. The second option is much easier and faster to work with.

The price of a link is set depending on the performance of the site, its quality and the level of nesting of the page. The links from the main page are most valued. Then comes the second one. Other nesting levels (from the third and further) are not accepted by exchanges. The price of a link does not depend on the level of site traffic.

Main link exchanges:

  1. Sape. The first link exchange to introduce an auto-placement system. Due to the fact that it is the "oldest", this exchange has a very large base for placement and advertisers who are willing to spend their money on it.
  2. trustlink. This is the youngest, but also very promising link exchange. Monetizing a website with its help provides a huge number of advantages. Those administrators who are looking for how to quickly make money on the site should think about working with this particular exchange. TrustLink works directly with SeoPult, which guarantees users registered there income in a very short time.
  3. gogetlinks. The best link exchange, but it's hard to get there. The site must be filled, visited and provide value to people.
  4. mainlinks. The main emphasis is on placing links on the main pages, but you can place them on other pages of your site.

Experts advise the following:

  • Do not sell more than five links from one page;
  • Linking is best done on quality sites that have the same theme as your own;
  • It is unwise to sell links from a completely new site - it is better to promote it at least a little.

Search engines are gradually leveling the influence of links on the ranking in the issue. Therefore, very soon they will completely cease to be useful. But there is a second, similar way - to place articles on the site for money.

Method 5. Posting articles on the site

Posting articles

This method can be considered not only as an effective method of making money online, but also as an effective and promising option for promoting your site. The benefits of posting articles are visible to the naked eye (moreover, this applies to both optimizers and the site owner). The site administrator receives not only money from such placement, but also high-quality unique content that attracts new visitors to his resource.

But there is one rather significant disadvantage that site owners may not like. Before you start making money on articles, you need to think about it. Constantly there is an automation of ways to earn money on the Internet. The same applies to posting articles. With the help of different programs, articles are trying to reproduce automatically (by replacing words, changing the order of their placement). With this method, several hundred can be made from one unique article. Such "masterpieces" are not easy to read, even more difficult to understand their essence. Only search engines can read them.

Posting such articles or not depends only on the owner of the site. It is up to him to decide how to fill his resource - with quality articles, or with verbal garbage.

As well as for selling links, there are also several special services for posting articles. In them, you can specify your requirements for the article (the number of characters, links in the article, etc.). If you follow the recommendations of experienced webmasters, then the size of the article should be at least 2000 characters, and there should be no more than two links.

Making money on article exchanges is not as easy as on links, but the price here is much higher. The most popular services for posting articles are:

  • miralinks. This service guarantees the placement of articles on the most popular sites of Runet. Among its advantages are the placement of articles on an ongoing basis and manual moderation, which allows you to be more confident in the quality of the content;
  • gogetlinks. A feature of this exchange is that it allows you to post small notes, contextual links and even links in the form of pictures. All of them are permanent. The exchange also provides reliable indexation guarantees;
  • RotaPost. Has a very simple system that is easy to use. The service is focused on placing advertising posts, as well as blog posts;
  • Webartex. The service sells promotional articles that contain links. This is a pretty good service for selling articles;
  • Blogun. A service that is very popular. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that only links in blogs are placed on it. The placement system on it is practically no different from other exchanges.

Method 6. How to make money on banner advertising

Make money with banner ads

If you have your own resource, and you can’t figure out how to make money on a website on the Internet, you can pay attention to such a type of income as banner advertising .

If the site has good traffic, and the flow of users exceeds a thousand, then the administrator can safely sell space on the site for banners. This service is paid for displaying banners (each page update is considered an impression) or simply for a certain period of placement (day, week, month, etc.).

There are two ways to find customers who will buy banners from you:

  1. The search takes place automatically through a special exchange, for example "Rotaban". Here the site owner can place a description of his resource and prices for banners. If the advertiser is interested in this offer, he will submit an application, which will only need to be confirmed;
  2. This method is also called "Direct Selling". The site administrator himself contacts advertisers and offers them his services. This can be a much more profitable way to make money than automatic search, since the site owner himself takes part in the negotiations and can knock out more favorable conditions for himself.

A feature of banners is that they can be placed not only on the main page. If the site has a very popular article that is visited by a huge number of users and its topic matches the theme of the advertiser's site, then he will be more willing to place his ad there.

One of the most popular banner networks is RotaBan. Its main advantage is that it takes a very small percentage of commissions. 85% of the total amount goes into the hands of the webmaster.

Method 7. Teaser advertising

teaser advertising

For those who do not know how best to make money on the site, there are a number of ways. And one of them is a teaser ad. To receive such income, you need to register in any teaser network, add your website and place ad blocks on your website. People will watch funny pictures, click on them, and the administrator will get paid for it.

As statistics show, images are most often clicked on by women, so it’s smarter to place them on a women’s site. But such pictures will not be entirely relevant on sites for business, medicine or jurisprudence.

Method 8. Infobusiness as a method of making money online


One of the most profitable ways to make money on your website is to sell your own or someone else's training video courses. If you are an expert in some field and can tell other people about it, then you can put your knowledge into an electronic format and sell it on your website. You can even create courses not by yourself, but find a person who will do it for you. Then you just need to agree with such an expert on prices or a percentage of sales.

In addition to the article on your own website, you can also make a landing page and place a link to the article on it. Thus, you can provide your site with advertising for the course for free.

Method 9. Earnings on affiliate programs

Earnings on affiliate programs

How to make money on your own website with affiliate programs ?

At first glance, everything seems to be very easy and simple. You register in affiliate networks, get an affiliate link, and place it in any form on your website. A user from your site goes to a partner site, makes a purchase there, and you get a percentage of it.

But if you dig deeper, you can find significant disadvantages:

  • After the user clicks on the link, he must spend his money on the partner site (and this is not easy to achieve);
  • Affiliate percentages are never very high.

But there are many more pluses and they cover all the minuses:

  • There are a lot of affiliate programs - almost all such services offer their own program;
  • This is passive income (you just need to place a link, and all other actions take place without administrator intervention);
  • A link to a partner site can be placed not only on your site, but generally anywhere on the Internet (forums, blogs, sent in letters).

How much the site owner will earn on the affiliate program depends only on him - on his activity and ability to work.

You can even create full-fledged sites for affiliate programs .

Method 10. Earnings on file hosting

Earnings on file hosting

Many webmasters believe that the way to make money on file hosting is very simple and convenient. After all, by uploading (for free!) files to file sharing services, the administrator not only earns money for downloading them, but also saves space on his paid hosting.

This type of income is suitable even for those who do not have their own resource. Its essence lies in uploading your own files to file hosting services, and receiving money for downloading them.

But in order for the files to be downloaded by as many users as possible, you need to post links to them. And one own site is not enough for this. It is also useful to post them on forums, social networks, blogs and more.

The best file sharing services that offer the biggest income:

  • DepositFiles. The most popular file hosting in Runet. It offers $30 per thousand downloads. Various bonuses are also possible;
  • Uploading. On this file hosting service, you can earn from $20 per 1,000 downloads. The service supports a large number of languages;
  • vip file. Gives quite a lot of earnings on affiliate programs. Earnings are calculated by the number of purchased premium access when downloading your files.

Method 11. We sell advertising in mailing lists

Newsletter advertising

If your site has a constant flow of visitors, then one of the most important tasks for you will be to build a subscriber base. To do this, you must have a form for collecting information about subscribers on your site. Then you will be able to send advertisements about your goods or services (or someone else's) to the specified addresses.

There are several proven services for collecting subscriber data. But the most reliable ones are Unisender, JustClick and Mailchimp.

After you collect more than 1000 people in your database, you can send your ads to them.

Method 12. Hosting Paid Webinars

Paid webinars

A webinar is a kind of paid or free lessons, but it is held online and an infinite number of people can become listeners. Of course, the profit depends on the quantity.

The technology for conducting paid webinars is as follows:

  1. Create a description of the webinar on the landing page or write an article about it on your website;
  2. Put a banner with a link to the most prominent place;
  3. Wait for applications from potential listeners;
  4. Get paid for broadcasting;
  5. Host the webinar at the specified time.

A webinar can be held completely free of charge, and already on it you can sell your paid video courses or other services.

So we looked at many ways to make money on your site. Which one to choose is up to you. You can use one or a combination of several. It depends on how much money you can get.

Method 13. Open a business for the theme of your information site

This method is now trending and is constantly gaining momentum. I'll tell you about it in detail.

For example, you have an informational site on automotive topics and it has at least 3,000-5,000 visitors per day.

You create a page on your site for the sale of some product, for example, a video recorder or a radar detector. Place banners and informational articles with product reviews and give a link to purchase. Users buy your product, you earn money.

You can, of course, use this method as an affiliate program, find a seller of such goods and agree on a percentage of sales. But then you lose the main profit. And by purchasing goods on your own, you do not share the net profit, but completely take it for yourself.

You do not need to pay for advertising, because your information site already has traffic.

You can do the same with services. Do not merge visitors to someone, but provide services on your own or put a specialist on your staff.

Earn money online without investment

Many webmasters are wondering "How to make money on the site without investment?". It is difficult to answer this question. If the administrator wants his resource to last for many years, then an initial investment is indispensable. Even if it's minimal. After all, this type of earnings, like any type of business, must be approached seriously.

There is serious competition on the Internet, sites also need to be advertised, sometimes “repaired”. And this cannot be done by one person (only if he is an experienced professional and can work miracles on the network). And these services are not free.

But you can think about how to make money on your site without much investment, at minimal cost. You can save on almost everything:

  1. Domain and hosting. There are, of course, services that offer free hosting and domains, but they have a number of disadvantages (clumsy design, someone else's advertising that can be disabled only by paying, it is difficult to promote such a site, etc.). But you can buy inexpensive hosting and customize it to your taste (I gave the link above);
  2. Engine installation. You can use free ones like WordPress;
  3. To fill the site with quality content, you need a lot of articles. If you understand the topic, you can write yourself. This will save money, but not time. This should be done efficiently and regularly;
  4. The collection of the semantic core is a mandatory element in the promotion of the site. There are paid programs that easily solve this issue. But if there is no money, then you can also use free services like Yandex Wordstat (but you need to prepare that this will take a lot of time and require a huge amount of effort);
  5. In order for users to find out about your site, they need to see links. And it is better if these are "fat" links from well-known resources. And they cost a lot (several thousand rubles). But you can do without it if you work actively. Links can be posted on blogs, social networks.

If you look at how people make money on websites, you can come to the conclusion that in order to start earning income, you need investments. And let them be minimal, but you can’t do without them.

Now you know how to make money on your site! Dare!


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