You can't charge your smartphone all night! It is imperative to install a mobile antivirus! The more cores in the processor, the faster the device! Protective glass adds +100 to armor! Phones make people sterile! Americans have never been to the moon ... well, you get the idea. Today we will talk about the most important myths about smartphones, in which, oddly enough, someone still believes. Well, I see no reason to pull the cat for a long time ... the cable from the charging - let's go.
The higher the screen resolution, the better the picture
I admit that non-savvy users really have the right to think that the more dots fit on the display of their phone, the better it is. But almost none of them can tell the difference between FHD resolution and FHD + right off the bat.
According to some studies, the human eye is generally unable to recognize more than 300-600 pixels. Yes, there is such a spread between different studies - maybe this is also a myth. In any case, the quality of the picture is influenced by the type of screen matrix, the level of brightness, contrast, the presence of an air gap, etc. If we compare displays that have all these indicators the same, then and only then the image will be better on the one with a higher resolution.
Apps can only be downloaded from official stores
If this store is not an official Linux repository, from where you still cannot download programs to your iPhone or Android, then even Jesus himself will not give you a guarantee that you are downloading a completely safe application.
The main problem with the Play Market and the App Store (although more PM) is that there are too many applications. It is simply impossible to control all this and get rid of all the garbage that goes there. The stores themselves admit that all the content posted there is not completely safe, even paid.
Sometimes it is easier to download an application from some reputable website on the Internet, the administration of which accurately checks everything that is uploaded there. And now this is no longer a myth, but a harsh reality.
Apps can only be downloaded from official stores
Smartphones lead to blindness
The microwave promotes the development of cancer, and the refrigerator leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
Remember: any, absolutely any light source, if mishandled, can impair your vision. Even a toothpick can kill you if you use it carelessly. But somehow I have not seen the myths that toothpicks kill people.
It is the blue color that causes more harm to the eyes, so all modern smartphones have a function to turn it off. If you use this mode in the dark, you will really help your eyes. Turning on a dark theme and adaptive brightness settings also helps. If your phone has an auto-brightness function, just turn it on and don't worry about anything else.
And do not forget the simple rules for using a mobile device: do not keep it closer than 20 cm from your face and sometimes take breaks from using it so that your eyes can rest from the screen. If you follow all of the above points, your vision will not be affected. But only on condition that it was initially in order with you. For those whose eyes do not see very clearly even without a phone, I have no recommendations - consult a doctor.
The more RAM, the faster the phone works
Tell me, what are you going to do with your smartphone that it may need more RAM than your own computer? For the normal performance of a mobile device with a standard set of applications: instant messengers, social networks, a YouTube, and a couple of toys, 4 GB of RAM is enough. If you are not going to use your phone in desktop mode, as some recent Samsung smartphones do, if you do not edit videos and process photos on your phone (and if so, then you are still a pervert), then you will never need more than 4 GB. random access memory.
Those who came up with this myth are clearly not aware that the performance of the device is primarily affected by the optimization of software and hardware. And if we talk about RAM, then you need to look exactly at the type: DDR3, DDR4, and so on.
The more RAM, the faster the phone works
The more cores in the processor, the better
The myth is almost the same as the previous one. Users think that if their phone has an 8-core processor, such as the Snapdragon 660, it will be the fastest.
To be honest, I have not yet come across mobile applications that use all 8 cores. Of course, there are some, but will you ever use them? Will they be vital to you? I doubt.
Again, optimization is the key to success, not the quantity of anything.
Be sure to install an antivirus
Ack, he won't help you. Firstly, there are so few viruses on mobile operating systems that are capable of doing something without your knowledge that the chance of an ordinary user running into them is extremely small. In fact, you are not Jeff Bezos for someone to hire hackers to hack your phone via WhatsApp.
Secondly, if you still run into such a thing, then not a single prayer to Saint Kaspersky will help you get rid of it. Perhaps a complete reset of all settings, but this is not certain. Why is that? Because every application on the phone runs in its own safe zone and only has access to what you have allowed it to. Antivirus will work in the same way, digging in its sandbox and not being able to interfere with the work of other applications, including viral ones.
What to do and how to be? Prevent suspicious applications from accessing data they don't need. Consider why a conditional calculator app needs access to your contacts? When installing any program, it will ask you for permission to use certain data - read carefully what it asks you for. Also, do not download and install games and programs from suspicious sites. Don't believe myths and only trusted sources.
Be sure to install an antivirus
The more megapixels a camera has, the better it is
Perhaps this is one of my favorite myths. It's always fun to watch people choose a smartphone based on the number of megapixels in the camera.
This only affects the resolution of the photos, and as you already know, high resolution is not an indicator of high quality. It is necessary to take into account the presence of stabilization, autofocus, good lenses, aperture, flash, aperture and other indicators, which I will not tell you about, because I am not a photographer.
The quality of the pictures is more influenced by the algorithms of the software and the hardware of the smartphone itself. A smart camera app combined with a modern processor allows you to get the highest quality images, regardless of whether it is 12 megapixel in the lens or 20 megapixels.
You can't use your phone on an airplane
Indeed, some airlines completely prohibit the use of mobile devices on their aircraft. And I would recommend that you do not use the services of such air carriers, because with a high degree of probability their planes are more years old than you, and they are capable of falling apart in the air without the participation of your smartphone.
The aircraft manufacturers themselves have long conducted research on this myth and found out that the operation of the phone does not affect modern aircraft in any way. The only requirement, which does not sound absurd, is to turn off the device, or at least put it into flight mode during takeoff and landing. Although this is also controversial, but it has a place to be. However, one thing always remains unchanged - at an altitude of 3000 meters, no radio waves can interfere with the operation of the aircraft equipment.
You can't use your phone on an airplane
Phones cause cancer, infertility, and even death
Do you understand that this myth is sheer nonsense? Hope so. You're more likely to die from a shark attack in a freshwater lake than from smartphone-induced cancer. Research in this area has been carried out more than once or twice, and by different independent organizations - I think you can google it yourself, not small already. And the results have always been negative. No one has ever proven that phones can trigger the development of a tumor in your brain.
Your smartphone will sooner become a carrier of the plague than the culprit of your infertility. And no, this is not a joke. You constantly carry it in your pockets, bags, throw it anywhere, touch it with dirty hands - all this leaves bacteria on it, and if something happens, your gadget can really become a distributor of some kind of infection. But in order not to develop another phobia in you, I will say that not a single person in the world has yet died from an infection picked up by a telephone, so exhale calmly.
You can't charge your phone all night
Probably the most famous myth of all. Each of us has heard at least once in our life that you cannot leave your phone on charge overnight. But no one heard that this action killed at least some device. Admit it, you also do this all the time and what, how many gadgets have already been "killed"?
Modern lithium-ion batteries stop supplying current when the charge level reaches 100%. Everything, after that absolutely nothing happens to your phone. Naturally, if you are using a prehistoric pipe with a nickel-cadmium battery, prolonged contact with the outlet will gradually destroy it. And the best I can advise you in this case is to stop using the technique of the Paleozoic era. You don't use abacus instead of a calculator, and here the situation is absolutely the same.
You can't charge your phone all night
Always discharge the battery to 0%
And again a myth similar to the previous one. Modern batteries do not have a memory effect like the accumulators in those tubes that became extinct with the dinosaurs. How it worked before: if you charged a phone that had 20% more charge, then the battery thought that since it needed to charge only 80%, then this is a full charge. That is, she "remembered" that 80% is supposedly the limit. Therefore, from such manipulations, the battery capacity quickly decreased.
With modern lithium-ion batteries, there is no such problem and never will be. Moreover, they are even recommended to be charged at 30%, since they have a limited number of full charge cycles. Most likely, your smartphone even asks to charge it itself when it approaches this value.
But this does not mean that if you constantly discharge your mobile to 0%, its battery will quickly die. No, for this you need to do this every day for three or four years. And in our time, phones do not live so much.
The same goes for the myth that a new smartphone needs to be discharged to zero three times before using it normally. This was relevant 15-20 years ago, but not now.
Fast charging will ruin your battery
Yes, yes, today we have a lot of myths about charging, because a huge number of people still believe in them. In reality, fast charging does not affect battery wear in any way. Fast, slow - it doesn't matter, because the battery electrodes always evenly distribute energy over the entire area, only in one case it takes less time than in another.
Also, modern smartphones have multi-cell batteries that do not heat up even with fast charging. If your device heats up at the same time, then it is better not to use it until you charge it, that's all.
The only thing that really affects battery life is the number of charges. If you plug it in too often, the battery will wear out a little. But in order for it to finally die in this way, you need to use only fast charging for three years. So nowadays, you will change your phone faster than finish off the old one.
Fast charging will ruin your battery
You only need to use the original charger
That's it, this is the last myth about charging, I promise. There is some truth in it, because if you buy chargers "loose" for a couple of kopecks, they will certainly kill your phone. But if you use a quality charger from a third-party manufacturer that has a suitable amperage for your battery, then nothing will happen to it.
IPhones, for example, do not have fast charging out of the box at all, although they support it. Therefore, many owners use third-party devices, and nothing, no complaints. I have already touched on this topic in the article " Top 11 Best iPhone Buyers in 2019 ", I advise you to read.
You need to close all unused applications
This myth is spread by developers of useless cleaner applications. Here's another bonus disclosure for you - no mobile program for cleaning memory and other husks does anything useful on your phone - delete it, as it constantly runs in the background and wastes precious system resources to nowhere.
All other open applications are simply loaded into RAM, and when you are not using them, they remain inactive, without affecting the system load and battery consumption.
Another thing is the very applications that constantly work in the background, even if they are closed at the moment: instant messengers, social networks, location determination, etc. They all really use up your phone's resources and drain your battery. This, of course, is not fatal, but it is better to disable this feature in those programs that you rarely need.
You need to close all unused applications
Protective glass makes the phone indestructible
Well, what can I say - smash your smartphone on the concrete floor ten times and see where there is more damage. In most cases, the phone falls not on the screen, but on the side edges and corners, and because of this impact, the screen itself is broken. Of course, covers and protective glasses help to keep the phone intact in case of minor shocks and drops, as well as protect it from scratches and abrasions on the screen and body, so they are very useful. But they don't make your device immortal, so don't rely on them too much.
If you want a truly rugged phone, check out our Top 10 Unkillable Smartphones 2019 ranking - devices that have a high level of protection out of the box and are definitely capable of surviving most falls.