Vevo - a collection of music videos
Vevo is a site exclusively for music videos. If you don't like to rummage through YouTube, wading through countless covers and low-quality videos, Vevo is the perfect alternative for you. Clips on Vevo are distinguished not only by excellent visuals but also by the high sound quality.
Another advantage: if you do not want personalized offers, you do not need to register on the site. The format of the platform is very simple: there is a search bar in the center of the upper part, and if you scroll down, you will find the newest or most popular videos and playlists. However, not every group or singer has a Vevo channel, making it difficult to find certain videos.
Takeaway: Simple and straightforward resource, but the content is limited to music videos only.
DailyMotion - French Alternative for Video Lovers
The video portal DailyMotion is originally from France. It has proven itself well and is an excellent competitor to YouTube. Here you will find separate, well-sorted channels on various topics such as news or movies, and you will be presented with a corresponding selection of videos.
The format of the resource is close to YouTube, advertising in front of the video is also in the order of things, so you won't have to get out of the habit of using standard navigation. The big advantage of DailyMotion is that there are a lot of YouTube-blocked videos available here.
Conclusion: the strongest competitor is YouTube with almost the same structure, but, unfortunately, the resource is not so popular yet.
VidLii is his own director
With VidLii, you can easily upload your own videos and share them with your friends and family. In addition, you can select specific channels for yourself and rate them using the "stars" system. This is very similar to early YouTube, but that was the idea of ​​the creators of VidLii.
This platform is more for sharing private videos in a simple environment. The amateur character of the videos is at the forefront. Of course, a small number of subscribers and so far not rich content can scare away from this service, but keep in mind that VidLii is taking only the first steps so far - the resource still has everything ahead.
Takeaway: Like early YouTube, the service is perfect for video hobbyists who don't plan on reaching great heights. Unfortunately, the community of resource users is still very small.
Twitch - video game portal
Since YouTube has supported live streaming and streaming for quite some time, Twitch is a good alternative too. The streaming platform for gamers has long been popular, Amazon bought Twitch in 2014 for $ 970 million.
On Twitch, you can subscribe to channels (just like on YouTube) and watch live videos. In addition, there is a chat function for registered users. In addition to streaming live streams from hobby gamers, Twitch is also used by esports matchmakers to stream their events.
Those who are mainly looking for game content will definitely find it on Twitch. If you have an Amazon Prime account, you will get more benefits like in-game loot or ad-free streaming.
Takeaway: Twitch has overtaken YouTube in terms of live streaming, and there is no better platform for its still small target audience. is a great alternative to YouTube
We will warn you in advance: the Vimeo service has now become paid. For 475 rubles a month, in addition to the player, you will have 5 GB of memory to download a week. With an increase in the fee (the maximum price is 4900 rubles per month), the memory increases to 7 TB, in addition, the user also receives various additional bonuses and benefits.
Vimeo makes a great impression with its high-quality video. In particular, artists and designers upload cool videos and animations here. The videos presented look better and more professional than the motley mass of amateur videos on YouTube.
The censorship is not as strict as on YouTube: here you can see the initial versions of famous music videos - as they were actually intended by their creators. In accordance with the content, the site format looks minimalist and chic. Vimeo, by the way, also exists as an app for Windows, iOS, and Android.
Conclusion: the resource is very high quality and extensive, but, unfortunately, not free.