If I ever lose my memory and stop recognizing myself in the mirror, all I need to do is look at my Google profile. If I still remember the login and password for entering my personal account, I will be able to see what I have been looking for on the Internet lately, with whom I have corresponded and how often, where and when I have visited, what mobile devices I use and what applications are installed on them. what documents he created, what photos he took, what events he appointed. In short, almost all of my life is digitally on Google.
With my purely hypothetical amnesia, this information would be very useful. In all other cases, however, it is alarming how deeply Google and its widely recognized usability services have plunged into our lives. First of all, it is generally known that data is used for advertising and research in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as providing access to a certain part of it to third parties, for example, the NSA intelligence service. It's time to think about how to protect yourself from this informational octopus.
We present the best free alternatives to the most popular Google services, many of which are not as zealous in collecting your sensitive data. If you use several services from different manufacturers at once, no one will be able to compile an exhaustive dossier on you.
1Mobile OS: CyanogenMod
Freeing your smartphone from the shackles of Google: CyanogenMod

Untimely or completely missing gadget firmware updates, intrusive Google account notifications, a huge number of pre-installed and often unnecessary applications from the search giant and the gadget manufacturer - all this can be pretty annoying for the owner of a mobile device based on Android OS. In this case, it makes sense to root the device and install CyanogenMod.
The latest version of the constantly updated aftermarket firmware based on Android offers even more features than Android 4.4, without having to go to Google servers. By default, it has almost no Google apps (except for those built into Android), including the Play Store. But you can find many programs in F-Droid and GetJar.
Thanks to the installer launched from the Windows environment, the installation of CyanogenMod on devices from Samsung, Google, HTC and other brands is possible from a computer. Follow the link wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Devices for firmware instructions.
Before installation, you need to create copies of personal data on your computer, for example, a contact list, using the MyPhone Explorer tool. CyanogenMod not only disconnects the phone from communication with Google servers, but also frees it from the pre-installed developer interfaces and unnecessary applications. As a rule, the phone starts to work faster and the battery is consumed more economically.
If you still need Google apps, you can always install them.
2Search engine: Qwant
Online search without tracking

Web search is the largest data source for Google after Android. Everything that we are looking for, that we are interested in, Google uses to select personalized ads. In addition, according to past queries, the algorithm displays the search results to the user that he considers interesting to him - this is the so-called "filter bubble".
Launched in January 2013, the search engine Qwant ( www.qwant.com ) promises to improve the situation. First, it does not collect data for advertising purposes - the French company is funded by providing its technology to other firms and websites. Secondly, Qwant does not display personalized search results - they are the same for all users for the same query.
By default, search results are displayed in five columns: website search results on the Web, the latest news in News, a short description of the query in the Qnowledge Graph (most often a definition from Wikipedia), business information in Shopping ”and search results in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) - in“ Social ”.
The interface can be changed: the results can be displayed in a list, as, for example, in Google, or in a mosaic, which emphasizes Qwant's desire to induce interest in the content of the sites in the user.
3Browser: SRWare Iron
Chrome technologies with data protection

Iron browser is based on the same programming code as Chrome. But unlike the latter, Iron refuses to uniquely identify a user and does not forward requests to Google.
It uses DuckDuckGo as its standard search engine, which handles queries anonymously. Iron's settings menus are similar to the Chrome menus, so they shouldn't be a problem.
After installation, this browser will automatically borrow the add-ons from Chrome, the user only needs to reactivate them. Iron has an ad blocker installed by default.
Another difference from Chrome: Iron cannot update automatically. The user needs to constantly monitor the updates in the settings menu in the "About Iron" tab.
4Email: Outlook
Smarter and more user-friendly than Gmail

Microsoft's successor to Hotmail, Outlook.com, demonstrates what a good email client should look like. Neat, simple, yet functional - it's not easy to rival Gmail.
If the user needs to perform a completely mundane task, for example, delete or move a letter to some folder, just move the cursor to the heading of the letter - the options will appear as icons. In Gmail, you need to either open the letter, or mark it in the list, and then select an action on the menu bar.
As in the Google client, you can manage additional accounts (to do this, you need to click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select "Options", then "Import email accounts"). In addition, a calendar is integrated into Outlook.
5Office software: Zoho Docs
More features than Google Drive

Zoho Docs ( zoho.com/docs ) are just a few of the services offered by Zoho. They are primarily intended for businesses, but the basic package is free.
Office services (Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation) offer all the important functions for creating and editing documents of various formats. At the same time, they are more accessible and understandable compared to Google Drive, where many options are hidden in the depths of the menu. In general, in terms of control and interface, Zoho resembles Microsoft office programs, and this is not bad at all.
5 GB of disk space of the free version allows you to save and edit files in all popular office formats, provided that the volume of one file does not exceed 100 MB. If there is not enough memory, you can expand it by merging with Dropbox.
For those who prefer to work locally, Zoho also offers Windows desktop sync, iOS and Android apps.
6Maps: OpenStreetMap
More detailed than google maps

OpenStreetMap (website www.openstreetmap.ru or www.openstreetmap.org ) is the same free maps of the whole world, like Google maps, but for large settlements offering more detailed details. OSM displays house numbers and various POIs by default, including government offices, shops, cafes, and parking lots.
For many cities, OpenStreetMap maps are updated more frequently than Google maps, but for smaller settlements, this advantage is sometimes not there, as they are compiled by a non-profit community of contributors to the service. Therefore OSM cannot boast of satellite imagery.
On the other hand, on OSM maps, layers are available for cyclists (cycle paths and paths are indicated) and public transport (bus, tram, city trains and metro routes are drawn). Route planners for OSM are available as standalone services (for example, openrouteservice.org ).
There is no native OSM app for smartphones, but many navigation apps use map data. These include GPS Navigation (formerly skobbler) for iOS and OsmAnd for Android.
7Web video: Vimeo
Quality over quantity on YouTube

If YouTube is a treasure trove of videos, then Vimeo ( www.vimeo.com ) has a very different approach. Founded by cinematographers a decade ago, a video hosting site hosts high-quality, often HD, short films, documentaries and animations.
In Couch Mode ( vimeo.com/couchmode ), you can enjoy a continuous, constantly updated list of sources - like a TV program. You can travel through different categories and channels on your own.
Unlike YouTube, there are no annoying ads here.
eightGallery: XnView
Alternative to Picasa

Google Picasa is still a popular free photo viewer. But after Google included Picasa Web Albums in their default Google+ account image gallery, the need for an alternative has grown.
XnView offers everything you need to control and quickly edit your images - from batch processing of brightness and tone to various filters and options for web publishing. XnView supports about 500 file formats, converts them to 70 output formats, searches for duplicates and offers a huge number of slideshow effects that you can use to decorate your presentation.
XnView does an excellent job of sorting individual images and does not lag behind Picasa in anything.
9. PicSearch instead of "Image Search"
Picsearch.com offers the same search tools as Google, has convenient filtering tools and supports Russian.
10. HRS instead of "Search for hotels"
hrs.com offers a more detailed search for hotels in comparison with Google. In addition, HRS often displays special offers and promotions from many hotels.
11. "Yandex.News" instead of "Google News"
There are not so many options for setting up a news feed at news.yandex.ru , but the service displays news on many topics from popular domestic media.
12. ScienceResearch instead of "Google Academy"
When requesting a scientific focus, scienceresearch.com takes into account information from 300 services and databases of foreign origin, including data from the so-called "deep web".
13. "Yandex.Market" instead of Shopping
Service market.yandex.ru provides a convenient interface for the selection of goods, communication of buyers and search for offers with the most favorable prices in domestic stores.
14. Talkwalker instead of "Alerts"
To track events by keyword (for example, brand name), you just need to enter an email address and set parameters. After this service Talkwalker.com/alerts begin to scan news feeds, blogs and forums, and will alert you about the activity.
15. TextSecure instead of Hangouts
TextSecure Private Messenger can replace Hangouts, which since Android 4.4 is the standard application for chat and SMS. TextSecure can do both, in addition, it can optionally encrypt data. In addition, the messenger supports group chat like WhatsApp.
16. WordPress instead of Blogger
At www.wordpress.com you can host your blogs for free using ready-made templates and layouts and enjoying the additional features of numerous widgets. Plus, the WordPress engine can be used for free to create your own websites. You can download it at www.wordpress.org .
17. MetaScan instead of VirusTotal
About 40 tools of the online service www.metascan-online.com analyze individual files for malware. Files should not exceed 80 MB.
18. Promt instead of “Translator”
In comparison with the “Google Translate” service, Promt ( www.online-translator.com ) often offers better translations. In addition, it can check spelling and is supplied with a dictionary.
19. Delicious instead of "Bookmarks"
Service www.delicious.com allows you to save bookmarks in the "cloud", which can be accessed from any computer, from various browsers and mobile applications.
20. Marble replaces "Planets Earth"
Marble introduces tools for virtual travel around the Earth (as well as the Moon and other planets) in 3D: maps, route planners, weather reports and images of the terrain.
21. Wikitude Replaces Goggles
Wikitude, an augmented reality application available for Android and iOS, displays information about objects in photographs taken with a mobile device camera.
22. Spotify
Replacing Play Music Spotify.com has become a serious alternative music streaming service in the first place after about 20 million tracks became free for permanent use.
23. Open Library instead of “Books”
At openlibrary.org you have thousands of volumes of classical literature in various languages, including Russian, at your disposal. Books can be read online or downloaded electronically.
24. Amerry Smart TV Connector instead of Chromecast
This gadget for 2500 rubles plays the content of your computer or smartphone via DLNA, Miracast or AirPlay on a TV. The transmitting device must have an EZ Cast tool.
25. Real life instead of Google+.
Can Facebook be considered an alternative? And Twitter? No! Better get out of the house to chat with friends. It's much more fun.