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TOP-12 ways to make money on TikTok 2021


TOP-12 ways to make money on TikTok

Today TikTok is a popular social network with high potential. And while it is actively developing, everyone has a chance to unwind and earn money. Let's see some ideas on how to do this.

TikTok is a young social network that is growing rapidly. At the beginning of 2020, the audience on TikTok is over a billion users - more than on YouTube or Instagram. In Russia, 8 million people visit TikTok every month. And they are all potential clients. According to TechCrunch, the app's popularity among young people will only increase. But now, more and more paying audience appears on TikTok. 

On TikTok, users can post 15 second videos. Entertainment videos are gaining millions of views. Due to audience loyalty and low competition (when compared with other social networks), TikTok opens up opportunities for anyone who wants to promote their account, monetize it and earn real money. Success in this business depends on the availability of free time, knowledge and skills, creativity and desire to work. Everyone will find a way to make money in TikTok. 

Method 1. Advertising music tracks

Most of the videos in TikTok are released with music. This helps the tracks gain popularity among the audience, because other bloggers start repeating the original video and promote the author. 

This is how unpopular performers turn to TikTokers with a request to record a video for their song. You can independently search for "clients" in various music pubs where novice musicians post their tracks. Then you can shoot videos to their songs, record covers, come up with challenges, etc. 

It is quite simple to record clips in TikTok, therefore hundreds and thousands of clips are published per day, due to which the audio tracks quickly reach a wide audience. As for payment, TikTok is a young advertising platform, so no one knows the high prices and specific amounts so far. As a rule, the cost of a video for a customer's audio track is 200-500 rubles. And this is if the account has more than 50 thousand subscribers. But considering the pace at which TikTok is developing, ad prices will rise over the years.

Method 2. Collaboration with brands

This way of making money smoothly migrated to TikTok from Instagram. The scheme works like this: you have a thematic blog dedicated to, for example, painting or cosmetics. You are gaining popularity, and the manufacturers of the relevant product offer cooperation as an ambassador. You are provided with a brand product - and you shoot videos with it, place a logo or other types of hidden advertising on the video. This type of advertising is called product placement. You can also create and publish viral brand-sponsored videos and promote various brand-launched challenges using relevant hashtags. 

A blogger's earnings can reach hundreds of thousands per month. It all depends on the size of the audience that you can influence. You can agree on a monthly payment or payment based on the number of videos released, views, or subscribers. You can promote your account and wait for offers. Or you can take the initiative and select clients yourself. To do this: search on Instagram for profiles selling branded clothing or products of your own production. In general, choose the category of goods that suits you. Once you have decided, write to the owner of the account with a proposal for shooting. But you should count on cooperation if you have at least 10-20 thousand subscribers in your account. 

The disadvantage of this earnings is that you only have to advertise the goods of one brand. Otherwise, your account will turn into an advertising channel, not an entertainment platform.

Method 3. Collaboration with other bloggers

You can cooperate with other TikTokers on a mutual PR or advertising basis. This allows you to attract new audiences. Joint videos, collaborations, creatives, challenges, mentioning other users, etc. There are many options. 

You can cooperate not only with Tiktokers, but also with bloggers from other social networks. Through your TikTok account, you can redirect your active audience to Instagram or YouTube. This way, you can advertise the blogs of those who are promoting on other social networks. 

Method 4. Monetizing live broadcasts

The application allows you to broadcast live and make money on it. But keep in mind that live broadcasts are available for users whose accounts are subscribed to at least 1000 people. 

There are 2 ways to make money on live streams. 

  1. You can advertise products or services on your live broadcasts. You can find an advertiser or promote your product. 

  2. You can monetize live broadcasts with viewers who send donations. How does this happen? There is a section for buying coins in the application settings. You can buy at least 100 coins worth 75 rubles. For these coins, you can buy stickers and give them to the authors of live broadcasts. And the user who was presented with the sticker can withdraw 80% of its value onto the card. 

In Russia, few Tiktokers make money in this way, in contrast to foreign countries. This type of earnings is usually regarded as additional. You can't earn any serious sums here. Although it all depends on the size and ability to pay of the audience. 

Method 5. Maintaining other people's accounts 

Many stars and businessmen are aware of the need to have popular TikTok accounts, but they do not have the time and desire for this. They are willing to pay someone who will manage and promote their account with high quality. 

Therefore, if you have gained experience on your blog, you can become a content manager or administrator of someone else's account. Your responsibilities will include: writing scripts for videos, drawing up technical specifications for photographers, looking for promotion channels, working with the audience, editing videos, etc. That is, you will have to carry out the whole range of work on maintaining an account. The approximate salary of an administrator is from 15 thousand rubles. The freelance exchange will help you find orders. 

Method 6. Earnings on affiliate networks

A promoted account in "TikTok" can be used to earn money on advertising CPA offers. Scheme: create interesting videos, publish, indicate in it links to your accounts on YouTube or Instagram. And from them you drain traffic to the affiliate link. Why is the user journey so long? And the thing is that you cannot leave links to third-party sites on TikTok. You will have to indicate in your profile a link to Instagram or YouTube. 

When choosing products for advertising, you need to target the main audience in your account. Since TikTok is most often watched by young people, the most optimal options for cooperation are offers offering clothes, cosmetics, games and other entertainment. The most popular programs in Russia are Admitad and CityAds. Here you can find offers on any topic. 

Method 7. Selling videos to other users

There are always more people who want to have a popular TikTok account than those who know how to shoot interesting videos. Therefore, you can earn money by shooting or editing videos for other users. To do this, you need to master the skills of video filming and editing, be able to come up with and write scripts for videos, and understand trends. 

The prices for videos may vary depending on the complexity. For example, typical videos that do not require special preparation or creativity will cost less than a custom video. A guide in prices can be the photo stock, which sells 15-second videos for about $ 65 (for an exclusive sale of the video). 

Method 8. Order congratulations

A popular option for monetizing an account in TikTok is congratulations to order. How does the circuit work? In the profile description, indicate that you accept orders for congratulations on your behalf to the relatives and friends of the customer. Well, then, according to the prepared script, you record the congratulation and publish it on your channel.

It's great if you can sing or play musical instruments - then you can record a congratulation song. In any case, you can always come up with your own style and creative format. The amount of income depends on the promotion of your channel in TikTok. To do this, you need to gain at least 10 thousand subscribers. 

Method 9. Integrating your business into the application

"TikTok" is still an untapped tool for promoting your business and attracting customers. Thanks to the promoted channel, you can redirect traffic to other social networks and advertise your product. For example, a veterinary clinic may post videos of kittens and dogs. A craftsman can publish the process of creating a product, a make-up artist - vivid examples of reincarnation, etc. The main thing is to fit the topic of your business into the format of the application itself. Approach your videos with creativity and humor. Add your logo to the video, attach a link to your Instagram so that users can quickly contact you. 

Keep in mind that this method has one drawback: no geo-referencing. For some types of business, location is not important. For example, if you sell something or provide online services, you can search for clients in different cities and even countries. But if geo-referencing is important for your activity, then the effectiveness of advertising will be low. For example, offering hairdressing services in Sochi is unlikely to attract clients from Moscow. But there are chances that the locals will also notice. So, in any case, there is a chance to find clients. 

Method 10. Redirecting traffic to other sites

We have already mentioned this scheme earlier. But now it is proposed to redirect traffic not to someone else's account, but to increase the audience of your accounts in other social networks, where views will already be monetized in a well-known way. For example, if you already have a YouTube channel, then you can redirect your viewers there to TikTok. 

Method 11. Earning on likes and comments

It is relevant for any social network, because everywhere there are those who want to quickly promote their account. There are services that are ready to provide such a service. They hire people who like and write comments for a small fee. 

It is difficult to call it “income”, but as a way to earn a little extra money, it’s quite. It is enough to register in several such services at once and perform simple tasks for which they charge a nominal fee. You can find such services by request in the search engine "earnings on cheating in TikTok". For convenience, we leave several suitable options: Tiktop-free, Vktarget, UNU. It is better to create several accounts in "TikTok" in order to distribute tasks between them. 

Method 12. Selling accounts

If you are already an experienced TikToker and have figured out the secret of success in this social network, then you can create TikTok channels for sale. 

Scheme: open an account with a new phone number, upload videos to it, promote, gain subscribers - at least 10 thousand people, and then sell the channel through account exchanges. Sales go through forums and freelance exchanges. Prices are different and depend on the popularity of the account. If you are guided by what is offered, an account with 10 thousand subscribers will cost about 2 thousand rubles. 

The problem is that there is no such active demand in TikTok yet. Accordingly, there are few sites for sale and you cannot earn much on this. But, given the rapid growth of the application, in the future such a service as selling accounts will be popular. Previously, it was the same on Instagram, but now selling accounts there is a demanded and profitable activity. While you are waiting for the wave of orders to reach TikTok, you can promote several accounts.


Let's summarize and consider the main pros and cons of each idea for making money in TikTok. 




Promotion of audio tracks

  • easy to generate and promote content

  • the need to look for clients

Collaboration with brands

  • the opportunity to establish long-term cooperation with stable earnings

  • the ability to earn large sums

  • available for large blogs

  • will have to advertise one product

Collaboration with other bloggers

  • different options for cooperation

  • the possibility of a stable income, because there are a lot of people who want to buy advertising

  • relevant for large blogs

Monetizing live broadcasts

  • easy way to make money

  • the function is available for users with an audience of at least 1000 subscribers

  • to have a stable and high income, you need a large number of loyal subscribers

Maintaining other people's accounts 

  • you can maintain several accounts at the same time and increase income

  • work requires skills in various fields: from writing scripts for videos to SMM 

Earnings on affiliate networks

  • many options for cooperation

  • easy way to find clients

  • to redirect traffic to affiliate links, you need an account on Instagram or YouTube

Selling videos to other users

  • high demand for the service

  • to fulfill a lot of orders and make good money, you need to have certain skills in creating videos for social networks 

Order congratulations

  • many formats from which you can choose the right one for yourself 

  • relevant for popular accounts

Integration of your business into TikTok

  • the ability to promote your products and services to a large audience

  • there is no geo-referencing, so the promotion method is not suitable for all types of activities

Redirecting traffic to other sites

  • free way to promote your account on another social network

  • relevant for those who already have a successful account in other social networks and simply attract additional traffic

Earn money from likes and comments

  • easy way available to everyone

  • do not earn much on this

Accounts sale

  • promising service

  • it is difficult to find a client, since now there is no active demand for TikToke accounts and there is no specialized platform for selling accounts

Tips for those who want to make money in TikTok:

  • Remember that subscribers are your main source of income. The stability and size of your income depends on them. Therefore, do not abuse the wrapping, for a successful business in TikTok you need a “live” audience. 

  • To gain an active audience, use mutual PR, buy advertisements from popular TikTokers, run contests, work moderately with cheat services, use hashtags, and participate in challenges. Use music from the TOP in your videos, because videos with its use are placed under each popular track. Another way to get attention is by posting reactions to popular videos. 

  • Create creative content: come up with interesting stories, find unusual images and locations, look for new formats, use unique processing, filters and stickers to make your videos stand out from the rest. 

  • It's better to monetize your account from the moment you are confident in your audience. You should not rush to advertise everything if you have hardly more than a thousand subscribers. 

  • If you plan to make money from advertising, always remember that it needs to be filtered: it must be of high quality and unobtrusive. Advertise only quality products. Remember that you are taking responsibility for the products you recommend to your subscribers. 

In custody

Today TikTok is one of the three most popular social networks. The secret of success lies in its simplicity and democracy. The application provides tools that are understandable for any user, does not impose strict requirements for content, makes it easy to gain views and reach a wide audience. Promotion on TikTok is much easier than on Instagram or YouTube. The competition is low, and the very mechanics of the social network help in the natural increase in traffic. So don't miss your chance. You already have ideas on how to make money in TikTok. It's time to act! 

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