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101 best manufacturing business ideas in 2021: examples, instructions

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 Now there is such a tendency that when planning to open a new business, first of all, trade options or options for providing services are considered. This is logical because any production is obviously more complicated. Indeed, in such an area, it will be necessary not only to establish the production process itself, but first to choose what to produce, how to produce, how it will be better than the rest, and then - to understand how to implement.

101 best manufacturing business ideas in 2021: examples, instructions

But to everyone who says - why then make more efforts, we will answer - think then, why do large and experienced entrepreneurs not abandon the production type of business? That's right, because, as a rule, there are more profits here. Especially if you take your own niche and establish permanent channels.

Another point stopping beginning entrepreneurs from production is large investments in the start. Most of it goes to rent, because you need a room for equipment and a room for a warehouse, well, for the machines themselves, which will produce goods for you. But in fact, not all types of production require large investments at once. It all depends on what exactly you choose. And the main costs, which we indicated at the beginning, can also be reduced. So, for example, some people use their own garage for production, which allows them not to spend money on rent at all.

By the way, there are several business options here that you can start in your garage.

In general, small production has many advantages that a beginner should be aware of right away:

Large investments are not always necessary (we have just discussed this point).

You do not need to hire a large staff of workers and rent a large space. In fact, a significant plus. Because hiring employees is very expensive.

Manufacturing scales easily, no matter what you are manufacturing. This is done by expanding the range or increasing volumes.

The manufacturing industry often receives grants from the state.

In the meantime, let's look at production options that are suitable for small businesses and do not incur large costs.

Cheese production

Cheese has a hard life in Russia. Especially recently, after the history of sanctions. However, domestic entrepreneurs turned this story in their favor. Local cheese production has intensified. New types of business have appeared that combine cheese dairy and other areas. And the product itself in the food market of our country has been and remains very popular. Moreover, according to statistics, hard cheeses remain more in demand in Russia, so it is better to start production with them.

In fact, such a business is best suited for farmers, since, provided that there is a private farm, the cost of materials for production is significantly reduced. However, as practice shows, city dwellers also cope with this by simply purchasing the necessary materials in bulk from the same farmers.

If you are interested in how you can open your own farm, we recommend that you read this article.

As for the area, then, of course, you won't produce cheese in the garage, but you won't need a large room either. So, for the production of about 100 kilograms of products per day, no more than 40 square meters will be required. Therefore, rental costs will not be critical.

What is required for the workshop for a novice cheese maker:

Milk pasteurization tank

Raw material quality analyzer

Cheese making bath

Press that will squeeze and shape cheese heads

Bath to be used for salting

Equipment that will allow you to pack the finished product

If you take the most average calculation, then with an investment of 700 - 800 thousand rubles in production, you can reach payback within six months. The main thing here is to find permanent distribution channels correctly and quickly. But such things must be thought out in advance.

Production of semi-finished products

Semi-finished products are used everywhere. In any grocery store of any large chain, there are always semi-finished products. Moreover, the demand for them is not falling and some firms are focusing on them, selling semi-finished products as the main product.

In addition, this food option has a lot of advantages - firstly, they are easy to prepare. And knowing that most people do not have time to properly prepare lunches and dinners, we can say that this is a great solution. Secondly, the demand for them is really great.

But a novice entrepreneur needs to navigate what types of semi-finished products are most in demand on the market. Because now there are many of them, and besides the classic ones, there are unusual ones.

On the market, the situation is such that the most popular are:

Minced meat dishes. Such as dumplings, manti, dumplings.

Minced meat dishes. Such as cutlets.

Breaded meat dishes.

What must be taken into account when planning such a business is that the workshop must be immediately equipped taking into account all sanitary standards, since you will not be able to open without sanitary and epidemiological permission. Actually, a large area is not required. As practice shows, in order to produce up to 60 kilograms of products in one day, you will need no more than 70 square meters of premises.

From the equipment you will need to purchase:

An apparatus that will sift flour.

The device that will knead the minced meat.

A device that will knead the dough.

Refrigerating chamber for freezing and storage.

Machine for forming cutlets and dumplings.

Such a production line will cost more than producing cheese. You will need about 1.5 million rubles. And everything will depend on how much you can sell your products.

By the way, we have a more detailed plan for opening our own mini-shop for the production of dumplings. You can read it here .

Production of potato snacks

Snacks are a type of light snack that is now very popular among young people. And although at home - in England this type of snack is intended for a snack between main meals, in our country it is used more often. One of the types of snacks is potato. Similar to chips, but tastier and more satisfying. Large manufacturers abandoned the idea of ​​switching to this type of snack, because, after all, she could not surpass the chips. But small entrepreneurs, who do not need such a large volume, use this business idea to the fullest.

In fact, we have already discussed in detail how to open the production of snacks, crackers and snacks , so we will go through only the most basic.

Those planning to equip a production line capable of handling 40 kilograms of potatoes and producing 10 kilograms of snacks per hour will need a 50 square meter facility. However, remember that this area will only go to production. You will have to store the products separately. Another thing is that it is simple in storage, so the simplest room will do.

The essence of the production is that the potatoes are peeled and cut into thin slices, then dried and fried in oil. As you know, many chips are made from puree with added flavorings. Snacks, on the other hand, are made from a natural whole product.

Equipment you will need:

Potato washing machine.

The device that will peel the tubers.

Vegetable cutter.

Blanching bath (treatment with boiling water or steam).

Tunnel oven.

Spice dispenser.

Product filling machine.

The cost of such a line is not the lowest. 1.5 million. But it will make it possible to produce about 800 packs per work shift. If you find wholesale distribution channels, you can quickly recoup everything and come out with good profits.

Dried fruit production

The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has long since begun its journey around the world. Moreover, even in Russia, it is densely settled not only in megalopolises, but also in smaller cities. Despite the fact that people are not going to give up many bad habits, they are easier and more willing to use the services of nutritionists, go to specialty stores where they sell healthy food, and use fitness. An example of the activity of this industry can be considered the increase in the number of farm stores.

By the way, we have a separate material on business ideas for agriculture .

But what can be created for a person who does not have the opportunity to open a farm store, but is interested in the healthy lifestyle industry. He can open his own production of dried fruits - a business that will not take up much space, but at the same time it will be an excellent reason to find channels for wholesale and permanent sale. By the way, one of these channels can be, including a farm store.

You will buy raw materials for such production in bulk at the bases. Better yet, get in touch with some kind of farm or horticulture that can supply you even cheaper fruit, especially through pickup.

The peculiarity of this sphere is the fact that the appearance of the fruit in our case does not matter at all. Therefore, you can save extra on those fruits that will not be exhibited in stores fresh from mint, for example. As a rule, crumpled or irregularly shaped fruits are sold for much less.

What is suitable for processing for future dried fruits:

















Of the equipment that will be needed to organize production:

Fruit washing bath

Seed separator

Drying chamber

Filling machine

If you buy high-quality European equipment, then the production line will cost about 1.4 million rubles. Given that you can process up to 150 kilograms of fruits and berries per day. It is important to understand that the volume of finished products in this case will be several times less. So, out of 150 kilograms of raw materials, only 30 kilograms of the finished product will be obtained. The price at which it will be possible to wholesale finished products is up to 150 rubles per kilogram. If you take into account other expenses, then the profit will be about 80 thousand rubles per month. To optimize, you will need to constantly look for new sales channels and increase volumes over time, so you can quickly reach the payback zone.

Drinking water production

Tap water has not been drunk for a long time in many cities. Just for the safety of your own health. Tap filters are often costly and often require replacement. That is why bottled water is so popular, look at how many companies operate on the supply of bottled clean water of various volumes.

By the way, the producer of drinking water needs to understand that the environment is highly competitive. Therefore, in order to reach the largest possible audience, one should expect that some people buy one volume, some prefer another. This means that the container for such water should be of different volumes. From 0.5 liters to 5 and more.

Moreover, in this case, you can count on the coverage not only of individuals, but also of companies that constantly order water for offices.

The production itself can be divided into three areas. So, an entrepreneur who deals with drinking water can pour it from an artesian well, use an existing spring, or take tap water for high-quality purification.

In order to organize a workshop, you will need a room with an area of ​​100 square meters, plus a room for warehouses. Therefore, the only permissible lease will be to rent a room in the industrial zone, or build a separate building near the location of the source.

Of the equipment you will need:

Filter for mechanical water purification

Reverse osmosis system

Ozonization plant

Automatic filling and sealing machine

Automatic labeling machine

Manufacturing is not the cheapest. So, a line that can produce 1.5 cubic meters per hour will cost no less than 1.5 million rubles.

On the other hand, a low cost price will allow you to get a good profit. When such a line is loaded in half, when all the goods are sold, and the sales channels are constant, you can count on a profit of up to 300 thousand rubles. That will allow you to quickly reach payback. The main thing is to establish sales channels and not stop.

Compound feed production

We have already written about the revitalization of farm shops. Now it is worth paying attention to agriculture itself. The situation inside this industry is not the most rosy right now. And although the state is now trying in every possible way to support agricultural producers, things are not in the best way. This is influenced by foreign affairs as well. So, for example, it has become more difficult to buy high-quality compound feed abroad, and there are not so many high-class domestic producers.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this part of the industry, because the need for specialized feed is constant. Feed for cattle, pigs and chickens is in particular demand.

The production of this type of feed can also be done within a small business. The compound feed itself is crushed grain crops, food waste, grass and hay, as well as supplements in the form of vitamins and minerals.

The purpose of compound feed is to make the animal gain weight faster without resorting to chemical additives.

For such a production, a very large room is required. On average, to equip a line that will produce up to 1000 kilograms of feed per hour would require a 600 square meter facility.

Of the equipment you will need:

Rotary crushing plant

Grain press

Separator that will screen out debris

Screw mixer



With such volumes, the production line will cost you 2.5 million rubles. On the other hand, at a price of 8 rubles per kilogram of the finished product, the line will be able to provide a profit of up to 290 thousand rubles per month.

Production of paper dishes

Have you not paid attention to how often disposable tableware is used? Not only at mass festivities, where any barbecue is served on a paper plate. But also in the whole huge fast food industry. Go to any mall, go up to the food court and notice how many people sitting at the tables have paper coffee cups, paper cake plates. This is a demanded product for a large business niche.

And, oddly enough, we all remember that not so long ago it was all plastic. But the industry does not stand still, and the requirements for environmentally friendly production and disposal regulate the refusal to use plastic and polymer production in general.

Therefore, the necessary fashion of the present day is paper disposable tableware, which, by the way, looks much better. And one more plus - you can also apply drawings on it, highlighting and branding batches of products under the orders of certain large companies.

The area that will be required to organize production in this segment is 200 square meters and also premises for warehouses. In this area, you can locate a production line that will produce more than 100 products in one minute.

This requires the following equipment:

Automatic blanking machine

Ultrasonic Welding Machine

Printing press

Set including dies for different products

The organization of such a line will cost from 1.2 million rubles. With the declared production speed, this option will bring you about 180 thousand rubles a month. But in order to expand the range and capacities, it is desirable to have several sets of equipment so that you can produce different versions of goods for different large customers. And naturally, these clients need to be found in order to sell the largest possible volumes of manufactured products.

To learn more about this industry, see the resource Disposable Tableware Manufacturing as a Business .

clothing industry

Today, the apparel industry has taken a new round of development thanks to the expansion of the segment of online stores and instagram stores. Therefore, the demand for clothes of good quality but at an affordable price has grown. People are no longer satisfied with cheap Chinese clothes, but not everyone can afford expensive European brands.

The range of sewing products can reach 100 or more models and directions. The audience is huge, because you can focus on both men and women and children.

In order to organize a production line, you have to find a good, warm room with an area of ​​up to 300 square meters.

And from the equipment you will need:

Sewing machines

Straight-back machines


Buttonhole and button machines

Cutting tables

Ironing machines

The equipment will need to be invested at least 1.5 million rubles. However, in this case, the expenses will not end, because, unlike other options, more specialized personnel will be required for sewing production. Therefore, you need to correctly describe your capabilities and goals at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

If you do not know if you can draw up a business plan yourself, then be sure to read our special material .

Monument production

No matter how much I would like to talk about light and cheerful, but there is no escape from the truth - people die constantly. Therefore, the demand for goods from the ritual industry will never end. In particular, monuments.

To imagine the possibilities, you need to know that monuments are made from different materials. So, for example, you can make metal monuments. This is an inexpensive option, but due to its appearance, it is practically not in demand. Natural stone monuments are very expensive. And there is a demand for them, but mainly from the wealthy part of the population. But monuments made of artificial stone are the very middle, although their production is not the easiest one. Monuments are also made of concrete or concrete chips. Like metal, they are very easy to process and require a small room to produce.

In any case, you need to determine the opportunities and the market, that is, the demand. And decide what kind of monuments you will make. Because different types will require equipping the line with different equipment. So, for example, about 800 thousand rubles will be spent on the same concrete options. But on the stone you will have to equip the room with more expensive equipment.

Solar collector production

The accumulation and use of solar energy is not the future at all, but the present. But since many large companies that supply electricity are not profitable for everyone to switch to other sources of energy, the industry is not developing rapidly. And I must admit, because of this, solar energy is still an expensive pleasure. This refers to the very production of equipment that can collect and convert this energy.

However, if you study the issue in more detail, now anyone can actually install a small solar collector. Such small devices are not that expensive and yet very useful. Another thing is that very few people think about it. And one of the main tasks will be finding the right sales channels and building a marketing program.

The solar collector is a flat tubular structure measuring 2 square meters. A liquid circulates in these tubes, which heats up to 70 degrees Celsius. They can be used to heat water in showers and swimming pools, heat greenhouses, hotbeds, farms, and heat rooms. And so you understand, these are not solar panels. Therefore, their production is not difficult.

Of the equipment that will be required for the production of such installations, you will need a grinder, a miter saw, a grinder, a spray gun for painting the structure in black, and a compressor.

And the structure itself is made of polycarbonate, tubes, fitting, paint. The production room is small. Only 50 squares, which allows you to equip everything even in the garage.

Glued laminated timber production

Glued laminated timber is one of the most demanded materials in the field of low-rise construction. The material is considered especially popular among the owners of summer cottages and those who plan to build a country house. The popularity is due to the relatively low price of the material, as well as its properties, which provide thermal conductivity and allow you to keep heat. Glued laminated timber is a beam with a section of 200 x 200 mm, assembled from thinner boards with oppositely directed fibers. This design will allow, among other things, to achieve additional strength.

The production technology is simple. The bottom line is that the lumber is dried, sawn, processed and glued on the machine. Coniferous trees are used as raw materials, but oak or maple are also used.

The workshop does not require a lot of space, however, to store the material, you will need a large room. Average warehouses have an area of ​​about 1000 square meters.

Equipment will require:

Board splicing machine

Gluing press

Tenoning installation

Four-sided machine

Drying chamber

Automatic machine that applies glue

Automatic machine that cuts the edge

You can choose between European equipment and Chinese. The first is many times more expensive. But even if we take Chinese ones, at least 5 million rubles will need to be invested to equip the workshop. It will be possible to produce from 300 square meters of timber. But with a high cost of goods, the profit will be at least 350 thousand rubles.

Roofing material production

Rolled protective materials will not go out of fashion, because they are used for laying on flat roofs of industrial buildings and multi-storey residential buildings. Among all roll materials, roofing material is in greatest demand, since it is affordable both in price and in use. Roofing material is made on the basis of special cardboard or fiberglass. Everything is impregnated with refractory bitumen and additionally covered with a special protective dressing. It can be sand, shale, basalt, slag, dolomite, chalk and other materials.

Building a production line is easy. But the premises will need at least 200 square meters.

Equipment will require:

Mixer for bitumen

A table that allows you to unwind the base

Line that will provide impregnation with bitumen

Spreading device

Winding device

A production line that will make it possible to make 150 squares of material in one hour will cost no more than 1 million rubles. But you can pay attention to the fully automated line. In this case, you will have to spend 0.5 - 1 million more. Such a line will make it possible to produce up to 300 squares per hour.

With a full load of sales, you can count on a profit in the amount of 350 thousand rubles per month.

Read also the material that tells how to start a mini-house construction business .

Manufacturing is a vast industry that includes many areas. Some are suitable for large firms, some for private entrepreneurs. Some can be done by investing a lot of money in professional equipment, and some - without investing anything and without leaving home. The "exhaust" from different types of production will also be different. Some options do not imply a lot of income and development, but some are capable of turning a small company into a large company with a competent approach.

There are no universal tips for choosing a direction, too many factors are involved every time. However, to make it easier for you, we show you what options are in principle. You have already met 12. Now we propose to take a short walk through others, evaluating what people do to make money.

89 industrial business ideas

13. Production of garden figures and garden decor

The idea has gained popularity for a long time. The fact is that such production does not require large premises. It can be organized within a country house or a summer cottage, as entrepreneurs usually do. An extraordinary plus is the fact that the main target audience is also the owners of their own plots. Therefore, for those who create figures and decor for the garden at home, the ideal location is next to a major road outside the city. In such places, as a rule, there is a large flow of summer residents by car. The entrepreneur can also organize a store or exhibition area there, which will act as an advertisement.

In addition to direct consumers, gardening stores can also buy products as a related product.

The prime cost is low, which makes the business profitable, however, due to the great competition, it is necessary to think over the assortment and prices. High-quality and not very expensive products, the design of which cannot be found from other sellers, will do their job.

14. Manufacture of self-tapping screws

This idea has an indisputable plus - the widespread use of the product, of course. Yes, now in large cities where there are construction hypermarkets it is difficult to compete in the competition, because people are used to buying everything in one place. However, there are a lot of distribution channels. Including construction firms, teams, private clients, small hardware stores, and more. With perseverance and the ability not to overstate prices, you can find regular customers for your product. And this is exactly what a small production of such a demanded product needs.

From the main one - you will need a machine for the production of self-tapping screws. Finding it on the market is easy. Moreover, there are many different options from different manufacturers. They will differ in capacity and ability to produce a specific amount of products per hour. For a budding entrepreneur, we would advise you to start with an inexpensive machine, but when you manage to find a base of regular customers and make a net profit, buy more productive equipment.

15. Production of cinder blocks

Cinder blocks are used in the construction of low-rise buildings, as well as in landscape design. Therefore, the audience will again be construction companies, as well as design bureaus. Sale to the private sector is also possible, but the parties here will be minimal.

Cinder blocks, although already a fairly old type of material, still remain popular due to their characteristics. Therefore, the market is in demand. Finding an audience is possible.

There is a definite disadvantage. Due to its volume, the production of cinder blocks requires a fairly large warehouse space, and this is additional rental costs. Consider this.

From the equipment you will need a vibropress, a concrete mixer, an overpass for it and an automatic control panel. Finding similar machines on the market is not a problem. Again, choose based on how much you are willing to spend and how much you plan to sell. It is not recommended to take powerful equipment without a sales market.

16. Production of stoves for baths

Nowadays, those who want to build a bathhouse on their site are divided into exactly two types. The first do it themselves by any means. Second, they hire specialists to make everything faster, cheaper and of better quality. It's good that there are still more of the latter.

In fact, sauna stoves are a demanded service. Especially if you are producing a quality product. To implement this idea, you will need a small room and an inexpensive set of equipment - a welding machine, an angle grinder and accessories. But you will also need to think about the logistics, because you will need to deliver the material. Furnaces are made from sheet iron and steel pipes.

We advise you to first try to estimate the demand, because often stoves are made of stone. Although the investment is small, it makes no sense without demand.

17. Production of protein biscuits

Healthy food is a trend in the modern world. It is only in Russia that the supply is not yet well developed, although the industry itself can boast of various directions. The demand is already there, but what's even better - it continues to form and grow. And entering this market will not be difficult. Especially when it comes to healthy sweets - cookies, muffins, cakes and other confectionery products that will be truly beneficial both for health and for the figure. By the way, now even in the Russian market there are large players who present such a product to consumers. Therefore, you can search to see franchise offers in our catalog. Among them are the franchises of healthy eating and wholesome sweets.

If you yourself want to organize such a production, consider your potential audience. It is there, but it will take a good marketing strategy to get its attention.

The equipment will require virtually the same devices as in any confectionery production. Do not forget about the need to obtain all permits from state supervisory authorities.

18. Production of playgrounds

The idea is designed for constant participation in government orders and auctions. Because the main consumer will be the municipalities that are engaged in the improvement of the city. One of the advantages of this type of business is the ability to produce finished goods after payment for the order. Naturally, since we are talking about participation in state trade, in order for the order to be paid, you need to "take" it. And this will require work experience, specific estimates and projects that you have already completed. So just take and go from zero to a good order will not work.

This type of business has many cost items. In particular, for personnel, including an engineer, a designer, and assemblers, etc. However, at the initial stages, the positions can be combined, and the staff will be small, expanding as the firm's profits increase and the number of orders increases.

Ideally, if you can immediately get acquainted with the developers. Since new residential complexes always have several playgrounds. Actually, this stream of orders often becomes the main one over time. Municipalities fade into the background. As you can see, there is room for development. The hardest part is getting started.

19. Urbech production

Urbech can be called the analogue of peanut butter in the United States. Does not contain sugar and any harmful additives. That is, the product is natural. This means that it already corresponds to the modern trends of world society.

Now there is no large-scale production of Urbech like this, there are only a few scattered industries of various sizes. This is because there is no global demand for it either. This is not a product that people will buy anytime, anywhere. The idea, however, is to target supplies to various grocery stores. Ideally, their number should be as large as possible. Because the parties themselves will be small.

The production itself is a simple process and does not require ultra-expensive equipment. However, to be successful, an entrepreneur needs to highlight his product externally. That is, to create packaging that in itself will attract attention on store shelves. Because, alas, the majority, in principle, do not know what urbech is. You need momentum and good marketing. You will have to invest more in it.

20. Production of eco-notebooks

Eco-notebooks are a kind of products that are still handmade. Although in fact they are created on machines. Notepads are in high demand and are also suitable as gifts. Yes, production will not be able to achieve large profits, but as a mini-business that brings stable income with the ability to scale it later, it is great for novice entrepreneurs.

The emphasis on the fact that your products are made from eco-friendly materials - kraft paper, recycled paper and others - is an excellent marketing groundwork. It is necessary to devote a separate chapter to the design of notebooks, because it will be the main motivator of demand for your product, because in general there are a lot of notebooks, look at the assortment of any bookstore.

The sale will be carried out primarily via the Internet. Separately, it is worth considering the possibility of creating a design for individual orders and gift options. To expand the base of customers and subscribers who will become permanent.

21. Production of eco-friendly avosek

Another simple type of business focused on the sustainability trend. Now even large supermarkets are gradually abandoning the use of plastic and plastic bags, replacing them with kraft paper.

Shopping bags can be created manually, and therefore do not require capital investments. It is enough to buy the first materials and tools. Profits from this type of business will not be big. But as our own handmade production - it fits perfectly. Instagram and other social networks are used for sales and promotion. Product types may vary and depend on the design approach. The main thing is to present it correctly.

22. Production of vegetable mesh

Unlike the previous idea, this one is already considered as a more serious business, since it requires more serious investment in equipment, and the consignments of goods will be large. However, such a product is not intended for the end consumer, but for companies selling fruits and vegetables. Packing potatoes, carrots and other things on vegetable nets has long been used in the market, so it is important to initially find a buyer who will consistently order batches of your product.

In addition to the machine, you will need to attend to the storage room and minimal advertising. The machine tool will consist of a winder, an extruder, a mixer, a weaving machine, a wire mesh cutting machine, a hydraulic packer and a plastic shredder.

The average productivity of these machines is 20 million meshes per year.

23. Cardboard production

Corrugated cardboard is used in a huge number of directions - from packaging to transportation. Therefore, finding clients will not be as difficult as it seems. However, you need to immediately understand who you have to compete with. It is important for an entrepreneur to find out from which supplier the local companies order cardboard and how they can "outbid" his orders in their favor.

The production of cardboard comes from recycled secondary raw materials, which also makes this type of business in demand and one can count on subsidies from the state for opening.

And although investments are required rather big (fixed assets will be spent on the purchase of equipment), the production of corrugated cardboard is a profitable business. With proper work with clients, it will be possible to cover the start-up costs quite quickly.

24. Growing strawberries

Starting your own strawberry farm is a great way to start a business with someone who owns a suitable plot of land to do so. The demand for berries is constant. And among the clients there can be both small cafes and large hypermarkets.

What is good, you can start such a business with small volumes, but it is better to immediately create all the conditions so that later you can expand. It is also worth considering hiring personnel, including a technologist who knows what conditions are needed to achieve the best effect.

In the future, expanding the business and supporting regular customers will put the business on an automatic track, which will make this business accompanying. But first you have to spend both money and time.

25. Production of church candles

This type of production stands out a little from the rest. Because the sales market, firstly, is difficult to assess, and secondly, one cannot do without personal agreements. The main client is the Russian Orthodox Church. But as a rule, such a structure has its own regular suppliers. Another thing is that the number of churches and parishes is constantly expanding, which means that you can still enter the market. Finding the first client is something that an entrepreneur should do before starting production.

Equipment for the production of church candles does not require large investments. And if a point of sale is found, it will quickly pay off. There will also be no difficulties with the supply of raw materials for production, since the goods are produced from ordinary materials.

26. Production of packaging for takeaway restaurant food

Nowadays, delivery from cafes and restaurants has begun to play a huge role in the market. The year 2020 showed that without their own delivery, or delivery through aggregators, catering enterprises are not able to cope with difficult situations, and it becomes more difficult to compete. Therefore, the demand for food packaging will only grow.

You can start such a business with a small production, from where goods of the same type will be supplied, and then, as far as possible, this production can be expanded by introducing new types of packaging based on the needs of customers. It is also possible to manufacture packaging for a specific client with a logo, which will resonate with large companies.

Equipment for such production is not the most expensive, and therefore does not require too much investment. However, the premises will need to be decided in advance, taking into account possible expansion. Warehouse areas are required.

27. Production of semi-finished products

Semi-finished meat products in Russia are in great demand, and there are no prerequisites for believing that this demand will fall.

To open your own production, you will need a fairly large workshop with a warehouse, as well as equipment , which will include machines for preparing minced meat, for mixing minced meat with other ingredients, a belt for unloading minced meat and forming semi-finished products, devices for ice-coating and breading, as well as for shock freezing.

Convenience food entrepreneurs tend to look for customers among stores. Moreover, it does not matter whether these are large stores, or small ones. However, opening your own store is often a good companion option. But since this is a fairly large item of expenses, it is absolutely not necessary for a beginner entrepreneur to immediately target their own retail sales.

28. Cricket farm

Crickets are commonly used to feed a wide variety of animal species. And given that every year in Russia the fashion is spreading more and more to have not cats and dogs at home, but exotics - hedgehogs, ferrets and other species, then the demand for food for them is increasing. The supply is still not so large, especially not in the capital cities. Therefore, a cricket farm is a great option for a budding entrepreneur. The main thing is not to be squeamish and calmly treat insects.

The buyers of crickets can be both any pet stores and the end consumer - that is, pet owners. Sales can be easily carried out via the Internet. However, remember that such production requires permanent veterinary permits.

The biggest expense in this business will be the purchase and installation of climate control systems, because growing crickets requires a specific temperature and humidity regime.

However, the demand for them is great, so it will not be difficult to cover the costs. Especially if you find several clients at once who will buy the "product" on an ongoing basis.

29. Production of bath brooms

No matter how anyone thinks, baths are common in our time. Moreover, both public and private. And it's not uncommon - a bathhouse on its own site. And accordingly, there are also enough lovers to take a steam bath.

Therefore, the production of bath brooms is a business that has a very wide sales market. The difficulty here is different - to correctly convey to the target audience that this wonderful thing can be bought inexpensively from you. Therefore, marketing and advertising, despite the specifics of production, should occupy the main places. Also, clients are looking for among permanent baths and owners of private houses who rent out cottages for daily rent.

The business itself is inexpensive and does not require large investments. And the room is needed only for storing and drying brooms. Its dimensions will depend on the volume of your production. You can start with very small ones and do such a thing while combining it with your main job or other business.

30. Production of barbecues

Like baths, barbecues in Russia are indispensable for our residents. Every family has kebab lovers. Every third or fourth (and some even the first) trip to nature is accompanied not only by the purchase of a barbecue, but also by the purchase of a disposable barbecue.

Therefore, the production of disposable grills can be a very profitable business. Among the clients are large grocery hypermarkets, as well as small shops on the outskirts of the city.

The business itself can be expanded. Since barbecues are of different types. Disposable, Reusable, Various Sizes, Forged, Customized, Professional, etc.

A novice entrepreneur can create a business for the production of barbecues, based on the most popular positions, and then expand it with a special assortment.

31. Production of biodegradable bags

Biodegradable bags are a great solution for modern large and small stores that are trying to position themselves as modern companies. And for modern times, care for the environment is very important. We have already written about this.

However, the production of biodegradable bags itself requires considerable investment in equipment, which consists of an extruder, a printing press and a cutting machine. Therefore, it is extremely important for a novice entrepreneur to understand where and how he will sell his product. On the other hand, any wholesale customer will be able to cover all investments with orders rather quickly.

In addition to the usual production, you can set up the production of bio-bags with individual labeling, which will give you a better chance of getting big companies into your clients.

32. Production of aluminum foil

Aluminum foil is a popular product. It is used both in everyday life and in other industries, and therefore all hardware and grocery stores are trying to keep these positions in the assortment.

Alas, the production of foil in Russia is not very developed, because, as a rule, imported foil is cheaper, even taking into account the cost of logistics. And this means that an entrepreneur who has conceived to open the production of aluminum foil needs to carefully calculate whether he will be able to compete with the product that is supplied to the market.

The equipment must also be of high class. And this is worth it. So you can't count on a quick payback. However, if it is possible to establish production and sales, the costs will be recouped quickly enough.

33. Popcorn production

Making popcorn is easy business. The equipment for it is inexpensive; separate premises are not required. Except for storing a popcorn mobile kiosk. However, this easy business becomes very complex when it comes to competition. Because popcorn is one of the favorite and best-selling sweets along with cotton candy and ice cream at any event and street festivities. Even just putting up a popcorn stall in a park in the summer is not an easy task. Just because all the good places are already taken. But if the entrepreneur still managed to solve this issue, he will recover the costs quickly enough.

Popcorn can also be produced for resale. However, it should be understood that, for example, the same entertainment complexes where this delicacy is popular are engaged in production themselves. Therefore, grocery stores are almost the only sales market.

34. Production of eco-toys

Handicraft is no longer as prized as it used to be. However, products for children are still relevant. Especially if they are made of environmentally friendly material that will not cause any harm to the child. The sewing and production of such toys must be accompanied by competent marketing. In general, the Internet in this case will be the only correct solution for the development of a company or small production. But remember that toys are made by a huge number of people. Yours should be recognizable and unique. At least in terms of design. You will immediately need to declare your production in order to form a brand perception in the minds of future buyers. Without this, you risk remaining just one of many.

Wooden toys are considered the most demanded on the market for eco-friendly toys. They are only in their appearance are already capable of hinting at the quality of the material. There will be no problems with equipment and materials, there are many suppliers now.

35. Recycling of waste paper

Since the days of the Soviet Union, waste paper collection and recycling have lost ground. However, gradually the need for such production begins to gain momentum. In addition, environmental friendliness and reuse of the material are in trend.

But creating at least a mini-processing plant is not an easy task. Mostly financially. Therefore, the entrepreneur who conceived this business will need by hook or by crook to obtain subsidies from the state. But in our case, it is still easier to achieve due to the specifics of the business.

It is also worth understanding how the collection of raw materials will go. You can collect it both in industrial areas from enterprises and firms, and by organizing a collection through eco-activists. Fortunately, there are more and more of them now. And the separate collection of garbage is slowly being introduced into life.

36. Production of business boards

Bizi-boards, or bizi-cubes, are educational toys for children in the form of cubes and wooden boards, which contain on their surface many different devices for the development of fine motor skills and other skills in young children.

Such cubes and boards are very popular. But in order for parents to want to buy such a toy for their child, it must be made of high quality and, preferably, from safe materials.

At the moment, if you are developing these kinds of things, the best way to promote would be Instagram and other social networks. However, remember that there is a lot of competition here. This is a fairly common type of handicraft.

37. Champignon farm

Another popular product, the production of which is easy to set up. However, you need to consider in advance which format is best for you. Champignons can be grown both at home and in full production. There will be differences in everything. Starting from the quantity of goods produced, naturally ending with investments.

The first option is recommended for novice entrepreneurs who want to combine a small income from this production with their main activity. The ability to combine is a big plus, especially if you have your own site, where production will be organized. Since the investment will be much less.

Mushrooms can be grown both in the beds (a more time-consuming method), and in special bags or boxes. The main headache will be to create the right temperature and climate.

Another plus is that it is not necessary to create and grow myceliums yourself. You can use the services of mycelium suppliers. This is great for those looking to grow lots and sell them quickly. It remains to decide on the sales market. And in this case, private entrepreneurs who own their own vegetable stalls, of which there are a lot on the market, are suitable.

38. Kitchens to order

The industry of custom-made kitchens in Russia is very developed. Despite the entry of large hypermarkets into the market, which began to offer their inexpensive kitchen options, the demand for kitchen factories and for private entrepreneurs did not decrease.

The pros for a beginner are obvious. An entrepreneur does not need to open his own woodworking workshop or the production of facades for kitchen cabinets, or countertops. These are all separate categories. And together, these workshops are found only within large factories. The entrepreneur's task is to find a client who wants to make a kitchen for himself, to offer various options and favorable prices. And then order components according to measurements, deliver and assemble the finished version.

However, the competition in this market is very strong. And although prices are on average the same everywhere and differ only because of the specifics of the kitchen itself, its size and content, some have more orders, while others have much less. To get into the first category, a businessman needs a huge layer of knowledge. This will be the biggest investment to start.

39. Home cosmetics

Making homemade cosmetics is not as difficult as it might seem at first. And it belongs to manual work. At various fairs you can meet artisans who sell natural scented soaps, solid shampoos, creams and even perfumes. All this can be done right at home. Although safety precautions require at least a good hood.

Another thing is that only 1 out of 1000 similar industries grows into a really worthwhile business. In all other cases, it is more of a concomitant occupation, because the sales market is complex and the product is cheap. It will not be possible to get large and constant profits from this.

At the moment, the best way to promote the production of home cosmetics is Instagram and other social networks. But to compete there with a huge number of players (this is a popular type of handicraft), it will take a lot of marketing and design. Your makeup should be different and look expensive.

40.3-D sweets

The age of 3D printers is long overdue. Even human organs are already being printed. But since these technologies are still being refined and not widely distributed, a novice entrepreneur can think of something simpler. For example 3D sweets. Machines for the production of sweets in the form of amazing geometric shapes can be easily found in the Chinese market.

And the fact that for the Russian market this is still an unusual fun gives a chance to quickly find a buyer for your product.

Take seriously the choice of a food printer supplier and find out in advance about the difference between the models, what are the pros and cons. It's not the cheapest, after all.

41. Winery

Few people think about creating their own winery, because this is a complex business that requires not only a desire to make money, but also a real passion from an entrepreneur. He must be a connoisseur. The second reason is investment. The creation of a winery will require at least 15 million rubles, and besides, it will not be possible to return them quickly. This is a long-term project.

This is not good enough for a budding entrepreneur.

42. Change houses for workers

The construction industry has always attracted start-up entrepreneurs, and not only them. Because construction is a constant process, demand is also constant, and there are a great many directions.

Construction cabins are one of them. They are used by absolutely all large construction companies, regardless of the construction site. Therefore, you can count on demand. Just do not forget that, as in all other construction areas, competition is also great here.

On the other hand, for a novice entrepreneur, this type of business is perfect as a test of strength, because it does not require large costs to start production. The main thing is to find clients. You don't need any specialized machines. For the production of construction cabins, the same tools are used as for the processing of iron, wood and insulation. Delivery and installation is also easy to organize.

43. Sawmill

Woodworking production can give a good profit, since wooden materials are used in construction no less often than bricks or blocks. There are many companies that are engaged in the construction of wooden objects. There are no fewer people who want to purchase goods among the final consumer - for repairs, or for their own construction.

Hardware won't be your biggest expense. But you need to think in advance about the organization of the production itself from the point of view of the premises. Because this is a bulky material for which you need a very large warehouse with all the amenities.

But even taking into account the small amounts for the machines, you need to choose the sawmill as carefully as possible. Study the question in advance and consult with specialists if you are not yourself. Moreover, there are several types of sawmill - disk, tape, frame. The choice will be influenced by the task of your production.

44. Stained glass production

Stained-glass windows, unlike other construction trends, are in many ways adjacent to art and handicraft. And therefore, they are not suitable for everyone. Another dubious advantage is specificity. There are very few clients on stained-glass windows. Therefore, there are few suggestions. But there is demand, and due to low competition, you can easily enter the market. You just need to understand that the fewer customers, the more finicky they are. You need to study the market well and understand what you will offer, and how it can interest someone, study your competitors.

From the equipment you will need such devices as a machine for sandblasting glass, a muffle furnace and others. They are all relatively inexpensive. Also, you will definitely need personnel, a person cannot cope with this alone. Therefore, calculate in advance where you will look for specialists and how to pay them before the real profit goes.

45. Biodegradable cocktail straws

Relevant business today. In general, everything that does not pollute the planet is relevant. And this can be used in marketing tasks. Straws are an inexpensive but essential commodity for bars, cafes, restaurants and other establishments that make cocktails. The demand is great.

Such a production is characterized by the fact that the entrepreneur does not need to invest large sums of money. Everything about everything together with the equipment will take no more than 500 thousand rubles. But you need to understand that this option has a small exhaust. The product is not the most marginal. Therefore, the net profit will be small and the payback may take up to a year. Of course, she will grow up with each new regular client, but you need to be aware of how long it can take.

At the moment, there are not so many devices that produce tubes from algae (we need biodegradable ones). But the average cost does not exceed $ 5,000. But you need to think about the supply of raw materials (after all, this is algae) in advance.

46. ​​Production of wooden constructors

Wooden constructors with moving parts are a relative newcomer to the market, replacing simple laser cutting. And quickly conquered the market. On the other hand, the number of large players that can be considered real factories throughout the CIS is small, but they supply their goods everywhere.

Therefore, a budding entrepreneur has two options. The first is to try to create unique constructors yourself (but it's hard to find a person who could design this easily). The second option is to become a dealer of this factory. But here you need to understand that you will have a lot of competitors.

47. Manufacture of clothes for church ministers

Another narrow specificity, as in the case of the production of candles for the church. And here the rule will be even more relevant - do not start production until you are sure that there will be demand for your products. Too narrow direction, too small (and at the same time large, since the Russian Orthodox Church is a large structure) sales market and too difficult to enter the market.

Perhaps, it can only be recommended to those who, before business, have access to those who will be responsible for orders, that is, to customers.

48. Production of transparent concrete

Transparent concrete is not a new material, but its popularity has not yet been revealed. The demand is still small. Even among companies that use new technologies. Because the specificity of the application is too narrow in comparison with ordinary concrete. But there is practically no competition either.

Illumikon (as it is called) is made from fiber optic with the addition of fine-grained concrete. And although few people use it, it is potentially suitable for widespread use in landscape design, in the interior design of premises (it can be used in the form of partitions) and other areas. Therefore, if you decide to do something unusual and potentially profitable, think ahead of your marketing strategy. This will require a competent exit to customers.

49. Industrial hemp farm

In fact, cannabis farming was quite developed in the Soviet Union. And now there are all the prerequisites for this to become a topical direction again. The main thing here is to understand how technical hemp differs from the one used in the manufacture of narcotic substances, of course, prohibited in Russia.

Nowadays, a very large number of different items can be made from hemp. It is used to make biofuels, paper, fabric and many other things. This means that the scope and potential opportunities are very large.

The main thing is to get all permits. As you can imagine, in this case it will be a little more work than in other business segments.

50. Furniture from pallets

Cheap and cheerful. This can be called pallet furniture. So yes not so. In fact, this is already a popular trend, which is used in the design of various premises - hookah bars, fashionable bars, even in landscape design and interior design.

It is ideal to promote such a business using all the power of social media. But in addition to production, to work successfully, you need to attend to a good designer. After all, the main thing in such a case is to submit the goods. And by the way, thoughtful models of pallet furniture really look amazing.

The second task of an entrepreneur will be to create your own catalog using a professional photographer. A lot will depend on the filing. In particular, possible orders.

51. Tablecloths-coloring

Baby products are endlessly popular when they are made for children and parents. Coloring tablecloths are an indispensable helper for mums and dads in any home with a small child. In addition, similar things are used in various children's institutions - kindergartens, both private and public, child development centers, and the like.

Therefore, the production of coloring tablecloths is a great option for a budding entrepreneur. After all, you don't have to spend more than the amount of money on organizing a business. You will need to buy an extruder, a cutting machine, a stencil machine, dyes and some other components.

At the first stage, the volumes can not be overestimated, because first you will need to find buyers, which is not so difficult. An additional sales channel, in addition to direct contact to a potential customer among educational institutions, can and should be made on the Internet, namely social networks, where parents can pay attention to you.

52. Production of squash caviar

Zucchini caviar is a favorite and simple dish of Russians. In every grocery store, you can find cans from various manufacturers of this product. And this means that, firstly, it will not be difficult for an entrepreneur who has conceived the production of squash caviar to become his business to acquire clients. And secondly, you will have to compete with large factories, which is important, because it will not be easy.

Nevertheless, in order to organize production, you will need a room, the size of which will depend on the selected production volumes. And the larger the volume is planned, the more it will be necessary to invest in equipment and staff recruitment. Therefore, think over and write down each stage in the business plan in advance.

Zucchini caviar is made at high temperatures. Cooking kettles and vacuum-aeration mode are used. Seasonings are added along the way. In addition to boilers, you will need a sink, transport belts, elevators, pumps and fillers. This means that equipment will be the main cost item. Consider this, because at first it will be difficult to recoup large investments. On the other hand, if it is possible to organize the production of a tasty product that will be in demand, there is every chance to squeeze the well-known market players and get big customers like chain stores. For small volumes, you should start with convenience stores.

53. Production of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings, like kitchens, like windows, are the element of apartment renovation that is constantly in demand. What is important to know? The fact that now on the market there are already quite a lot of manufacturers, including domestic ones. It is a popular and highly competitive business.

You need to calculate everything in order to understand whether it is profitable to do it. And before that, evaluate the number of competitors specifically in your region, their prices and assortment. Perhaps it will be possible to offer customers something new, or more profitable.

To organize the production of stretch ceilings, you will need a large room with good ventilation, a warehouse, as well as equipment - a heated table, a packing machine, an air compressor, an HDTV machine, and a number of other devices. This is a significant investment, and given the competition, it will not be possible to recapture them quickly. However, if your location makes it easy to enter the market, and there are no other industries nearby, then you can easily win back territory from suppliers from other regions with prices and speed of delivery.

54. Production of bio-fireplaces

The production of bio fireplaces is a great option for the aspiring entrepreneur who wants to try his hand at a new business. Because it does not require capital investments. You will need a good assembly area and a warehouse for finished products.

There will not be many clients, especially at the first stages, but there is always a certain demand for fireplaces. And given the low costs and the ability to do everything on your own alone, the business really becomes profitable. And you can start it without giving up your main occupation.

It is better to advertise via the Internet. Because specialized fireplace stores, as a rule, are manufactures themselves and do not want unnecessary competition. But collaborating with those who build private houses is a great idea.

55. Glazing of balconies

Another type of activity that is widespread among aspiring entrepreneurs. Glazing is an important element of any apartment renovation. Therefore, there is always a demand for it. However, there are also a lot of performers in this business - from those who make complex apartment renovations to those who focus exclusively on glazing. Therefore, you will need to conduct a market analysis and understand what you can offer and at what prices.

On the other hand, since glazing belongs to the type of business that does not require investments to start (you only need tools), anyone can start. Therefore, the primary task for an entrepreneur will be to find the first customers.

By the way, word of mouth works great in this type of business, so you won't have to spend a lot of money on advertising. But minimal conventional advertising is still needed. Recommendations alone will not go far and will not earn much.

56. Production of self-leveling floors

Like the glazing of balconies, the production of self-leveling floors is a profitable business, since there is always a demand for them. Moreover, both from private clients and from various organizations. Moreover, the demand is growing and will continue to grow. The technology for the production of 3D floors itself is relatively new.

For the organization of the production itself, no capital investment is required. The business is profitable, and if you manage to quickly find the first customers, then you will not be long in coming to a net profit.

An additional plus is that production does not require a large room and warehouse. After all, the creation process basically takes place right on the spot. Yes, and materials are purchased, as a rule, immediately after receiving the order, drawing up an estimate and payment. But the working group will have to be hired. Because it's hard to deal with this alone.

57. Production of acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs as an element of plumbing in a new apartment are chosen almost in the first place. However, for an entrepreneur, production will not become profitable from the very first day, although the demand for them is great, and bath restoration services are also required. The thing is that competition is pressing too hard here. Baths are sold by large construction hypermarkets and private traders. In addition, considerable investments will be required.

The downside, unlike the previous points, will be that the entrepreneur will need a good large room and warehouse. And this is a large part of the costs. Equipment is also expensive. You will have to pay several million for a thermoforming machine. And besides that, there will be expenses for bath forms, and for a staff of specialists, and for the same rent.

Therefore, starting such a business can only be done by carefully developing a business plan and evaluating all the possibilities. You need to understand what kind of demand you have the right to count on and with whom you will have to compete.

58. Production of photo tiles

Another renovation idea. Moreover, this time among the clients there will be not only end consumers who are planning to make fashionable renovations at their place, but also designers, design bureaus and small construction firms. Which is a huge plus.

However, there is nothing complicated in organizing the process of producing photo tiles. After all, this is a simple ceramic tile on which an image is applied. This means that from the equipment you only need a special printer, a computer with software and a dryer. So such production will not require large investments.

But taking into account the specifics of the equipment, it is better to buy a new printer with a guarantee. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting into a situation where a repair is required without a guarantee. And it will be easier to buy a new printer.

As for the state, if you expect to start production at a minimum, without spending a lot of money, then you can start on your own. This will allow us to recruit the first customers at no extra cost, and then only expand production and hire employees.

59. Production of flexible stone

Flexible stone is the name of a construction and design material that is actually made from sandstone and is not something extraordinary. However, it looks great and is often used in construction and renovation.

Flexible stone production can be organized in different formats. And this is a plus for a novice entrepreneur, since it will be possible to get by with your own garage, or plot, and not rent a workshop for money.

This approach will allow you to try your hand and find the first customers without high costs. And then it is already to develop as needed. Considering that flexible stone is already used quite actively in decoration and design, this will not be difficult. But always focus on the competition.

A lot of investments will not be required on equipment either, but you need to understand that the production process of this material is not automatic, so it will take a lot of time. In conditions where profit is not yet discussed, this can become a problem.

60. Production of foam blocks

Foam blocks are used for the construction of private houses. This material is chosen for its properties. It has good thermal insulation properties, is durable and relatively cheap.

To organize your own production of foam blocks, expensive equipment is not required. Moreover, there are Russian versions of machine tools that are not inferior in quality to foreign ones, and they can be purchased cheaper. For a start, you can save money and buy a semi-automatic option. And switch to automation only later, when the business has paid off.

You will also need a fairly large room for the production and storage of finished material. Here it will no longer be possible to sell first and then produce. Consider these cost items.

61. Lavender and dried flowers farm

Lavender production can be very rewarding from an entrepreneurial point of view. Firstly, lavender is used to make bouquets and flower arrangements from fresh flowers. She is very beautiful and works great in design.

Secondly, dry lavender is also used in decor. Therefore, the sale of dried flowers and sachets is a separate category of business. Thirdly, lavender is used to extract lavender oil and hydrolate, which in turn is used for cosmetics and food needs.

Another plus in addition to the applicability of the product is the ease of growing this plant. Lavender is unpretentious and grows well in many regions of the country without special climatic equipment. Also, various insects do not really burrow on it, which simplifies the matter even more.

And fourthly, if you expand your lavender production with an additional apiary, you can produce lavender honey. And this is an unusual infrequent product, but which is nevertheless popular with gourmets.

62. Sewing clothes for pets

For pets, there are already not only pet shops and veterinary clinics, but also hairdressers, hotels and even ateliers. Yes, the production of clothes for our smaller brothers is a separate category of business, which, with proper marketing, can become a very profitable business for an entrepreneur. Because there is demand.

And in fact, marketing will be more important for organizing a successful production than even competitor analysis. Because it is a competent presentation on the Internet that will attract customers. Naturally, clothes should be of high quality and tasteful tailoring. But professional photo shoots and good advertising are indispensable.

On the other hand, the dog and cat apparel designer has handy promotion tools. This is cooperation with animal owners. You can get models for your business by barter.

63. Production of aerated concrete

Another popular material now for building houses in the private sector is aerated concrete. It differs in density and allows you to build a house gradually, because the shrinkage of the structure when using aerated concrete is minimal. It also has durability and guarantees the strength of the structure.

From the point of view, the production of aerated concrete is profitable not only because of the demand and quality, but also because you do not need to invest large amounts of money in the start. The equipment is not very expensive, it is produced, including by domestic companies, and allows you to make production fully automatic, which will perfectly contribute to reducing labor costs.

However, immediately expect that you will have to choose a room large enough to expand both the production area and the warehouse.

64. Photobooks to order

The production of photo books is a manual work, and you can organize this process with minimal investment right at home. From this point of view, it is a great option for a budding entrepreneur. However, there are many nuances.

Firstly, there is a demand for them, but not very great. And it will take a very active social media presence to build a good customer base. Secondly, large profits cannot be achieved here for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to consider the option more as a hobby that brings additional income.

65. Production of granola

Granola is a healthy breakfast that doesn't require cooking. They are also called muesli, but granola differs from muesli in whole flakes, which are heat-treated and retain a greater amount of nutrients and vitamins.

Granola is made from whole flakes of oatmeal, nuts, dried fruits, and baked in honey or syrup. In our stores, this is still an infrequent guest. However, the US and European markets have long been accustomed to this product. Hence, there is little competition.

However, the production room must meet all the requirements, have a sufficient area to accommodate the production area and the warehouse. Equipment will require a convection oven and a filling machine.

66. Own mill

The idea of ​​creating your own mill can lead to two business options at once. Firstly, authentic flour production, and secondly, if the mill is stylized, it will be a great way to attract tourists for photography and organizing trade.

Additionally, you can think of a bakery of your own production based on a mill. This will add popularity, especially since delicious pastries are in demand.

Of course, such a thing cannot be organized within the city. However, a suburban area is not very far away. And if everything is done correctly, it will even be possible to receive subsidies from the municipality. The main thing to remember is that the more ideas there are in one, the more expenses and the further the payback zone will be.

67. Making helium candles

The production of helium candles can be organized without renting a special room. However, you need to understand that the workshop must still be organized in accordance with all safety rules.

Helium candles allow you to start a business without large investments. No machines are required for this. Only raw materials that can be purchased in small quantities for several batches. One cannot count on great demand. However, such a product is great as souvenirs and gifts. Therefore, the main sales channel will be the Internet. So an entrepreneur is required to actively develop their social media profiles and build a subscriber base.

68. Yarn production

Yarn is a popular material for handicraftsmen. Meanwhile, the yarn is also handmade. And it is valued higher than the factory one. It is natural (that is, it does not undergo dry cleaning procedures, which is why it retains its properties and is perceived by many as beneficial to health). Well, the cost of such yarn is higher.

It is difficult to turn this into a full-fledged business. However, the ease of entering the market, minimal costs and the ability to combine with other activities makes it possible to start a business as a hobby that can make money.

For the production of yarn, it is possible in small quantities, you can not do a workshop in your own apartment. And advertising tools are free to use. Like social media, for example. In addition, for additional income and promotion, you can knit things for sale from this yarn yourself.

69. Making wooden dishes

Wood products are valued both as souvenirs, as design elements, and as handicrafts. In addition, production does not require a separate workshop or large equipment. However, a certain level of skill is indispensable here. Therefore, before thinking about starting such an activity, you will need to take special courses, or learn yourself.

70. Making jewelry

A large number of people are now engaged in handmade jewelry. But this segment also has a lot of directions. There are as many as many materials and techniques. You can buy ready-made items and collect jewelry, you can use natural stones and sell at a high price, you can come up with something of your own.

At the first stage, large profits cannot be achieved from this. But over time, if you gain a customer base, use all available opportunities - online promotion, participation in fairs, creation of your own brand, you will be able to bring the hobby into a niche of real business. By the way, even among the large companies selling jewelry, there are several who have grown out of ordinary masters of handmade jewelry.

71. Production of layouts to order

Modeling is a blend of craftsmanship in design, architecture and handicraft. And it is directly related to the construction industry. For an entrepreneur, this means that construction firms will be the main distribution channel. Such companies order mock-ups to demonstrate their own projects. This is especially important for large developers who are engaged in the construction of shopping and residential complexes.

However, they also need the quality of the layout. Therefore, you can start such a business only with the necessary skills, or having the opportunity to hire a professional.

72. Production of detox juices

Nowadays, when healthy lifestyles and fitness are very popular, detox juices are a great product that will be in demand. Especially if you cooperate with points of sale located inside gyms, next to sports clubs and selling healthy food.

The production room will be small in size, the main thing is that it meets all sanitary standards and is equipped with good refrigerating chambers. Because such juices are stored for a very limited amount of time.

The equipment will require an auger juicer, a mixer, and other kitchen utensils. But all of this will not cost a lot of money. So you can start a business with little investment. Another plus for the development of juice production will be the development of your own packaging design, which will distinguish your product from the rest.

73. Mini-printing house

Have you noticed how many orders are there at stalls with printers, which are located near educational institutions? Especially during the session. And no matter how technology develops, students constantly need to print something. And not only for students, in fact.

What is the main advantage of this business is that you can really start it with minimal volumes, and with luck and competent actions, it can grow into a large company with a good income.

A small room is required to start, but its location plays a key role. This place should be with high traffic and preferably near the educational institution. The first services to start with are regular photocopying, regular printout and regular passport photos. But further expanse. Because the number of services that an entrepreneur can provide at such a point is not limited. There are really a lot of them. Both in direction and in complexity. Therefore, before the opening, calculate whether you can develop to a higher level, and if you can, then whether it will be possible to expand the area of ​​your point. Indeed, by that time, some of the clients will become permanent and the move will upset them.

74. Production of florariums

Florariums as a type of handicraft have recently become popular in Russia. However, the demand for them is high, because florariums themselves are suitable both as a decor in any room, and as an exclusive gift.

A florarium is essentially an aquarium made of different pieces of glass combined into a geometric shape. But it is not filled with water, but with a special soil and a small living plant, which is unpretentious to care for.

Learning to make florariums is easy. This can be done using the Internet by watching free training videos. But, if you want to be different from those who already make florariums, take the time to hone your skills and implement your own ideas. Feel like a designer.

The easiest way to sell such products is via the Internet. Just remember that distance selling requires a great presentation.

75. Making bouquets and fruits

But this type of handicraft has already become a business. Because bouquets are not made of flowers, but of fruits, vegetables and other products (even fish) are sold by companies, and not just by private craftsmen (they too). Moreover, there are already franchises of these companies on the Russian market. So, if you want to learn not only how to draw up such bouquets, but also the intricacies of business on them, look at the offers from franchisors.

Such bouquets are profitable as well as flowers. They are bought and given as a gift, at least because it is unusual, and also because it is practical. After all, all these products can be eaten, this is not a props.

76. Sewing baby slings

Slings are an irreplaceable thing in the life of a mother with a small child. This is something like a backpack for babies, which a woman puts on herself and comfortably carries her own child, so as not to sit at home all the time and at the same time have free hands.

There is always a demand for them. However, the buyer in this segment is finicky, which is logical. Slings should not only be comfortable, they should be safe and made of quality materials. More appreciated are those that are sewn by hand.

To successfully sell baby slings, you will need to make yourself known on social networks, as well as participate in events created for moms.

77. Production of business cards

To this day, business cards remain an integral part of the market. Any mid-level and higher specialist in any company, any private entrepreneur needs business cards. Although now is the era of the Internet, but still no one canceled communication, participation in various events, exhibitions, acquaintances, and simply advertising their own services through physical channels. Therefore, for a budding entrepreneur, the idea of ​​creating your own business card production may seem tempting.

However, as in any business where there is great demand, you need to understand that competition in the business card and advertising booklet industry (and this is a natural development of production) will be high. You will have to compete with both small private industries and large printing houses. Therefore, the first step is to analyze the market for the presence of other manufacturers, assess their capabilities and influence, and then assess their prospects.

The organization does not require expensive equipment. In fact, you can start from one single place of the designer, who will make layouts for a small fee. And delegate the printing itself to a third-party printing house, taking again a small percentage, or getting a discount for volumes.

You can expand this business as much as you like. And coupled with a simple start, the business becomes a really interesting proposition for newbies.

78. Production of fuel briquettes

The production of fuel briquettes can be a very profitable business, which will bring about 300,000 rubles in net profit per month. But there is one but. In order to reach such indicators, you will have to try hard, increase the base of regular customers, and most importantly, invest a considerable amount in production. Therefore, for novice entrepreneurs without a lot of capital, the business can be overwhelming. After all, its recoupment will be greatly delayed.

You will need an impressive list of equipment, including a dryer, a crusher, a screw press, a storage hopper, a heat generator and a number of other devices. You will need a large workshop with a warehouse, and investments in advertising. This means that the investment will be really capital.

There are also advantages - suppliers of raw materials can be easily found, because fuel briquettes are made from agricultural residues. And in fact, there is a high probability that it will be possible to extract these raw materials practically free of charge by agreeing to clear them from the territory and pick them up with the owner of agricultural land.

Another plus is still little competition. In the western market, fuel briquettes are used to the maximum and are in high demand. In our country, the fashion for them has not yet arrived.

79. Own cheese dairy

Opening your own cheese dairy is not just a potentially very profitable business. This is also an unusual solution for private entrepreneurs. There is not much competition in this business. But on the other hand, there are a number of difficulties that may be too tough for a novice entrepreneur.

First, the supply of raw materials. The fact is that for the production of cheese it is very important that the milk from which it will be made is of very high quality. And as experienced cheese makers say, from what our dairies produce, only 5% is suitable for cheese.

Secondly, technology. Knowledge is needed. Making simple cheese is easy. But simple cheese alone won't get you far. A good cheese dairy should be distinguished by a tasty product and a large assortment so that there is no end to customers. Therefore, one cannot do without a technologist.

Thirdly, the sales market. If you don't open a store at your own cheese dairy, then you need buyers among the stores. And if you open it, you still need it. Because the costs will be high. And it will be very difficult to beat them off without great demand. Small shops of the “near home” format are ideal, because you can't just cooperate with large ones.

But if you manage to solve all these problems, then the business promises to be both profitable and very interesting. And most importantly, it can be scaled.

80. Branding of dishes

Souvenir products are sometimes unpredictable business. Some souvenirs are ordered constantly, some have an instant moment of demand, and then they become useless to anyone. However, branded mugs (mugs with names, or made in the style of a particular brand) will never lose their relevance. And here we must thank partly the tradition of giving gifts to the company's employees and partners, and partly banal laziness. There are many holidays and reasons for gifts. And every time to come up with something super original is not enough imagination. Therefore, such things as branded tableware, stationery, etc. are constantly in demand.

Creating a production of branded tableware is an easy task for a novice entrepreneur. No capital investment is required. First, the equipment itself is relatively inexpensive. And secondly, it takes up little space, so you don't have to spend money on renting a large room.

The ideal advertising option would be development in social networks and contextual advertising. When the question arises "what to give", people first of all go to the Internet. And there you are. You offer to quickly solve their problem. Ideally.

81. Production of decorative stone

The finishing materials industry is now more developed than ever before. All kinds of materials do not exist. Some have been popular for a long time, some are only coming into fashion. One thing is known, the demand for high-quality and easy-to-use materials will never dry up. Among the clients are builders, finishers, designers. Therefore, for a novice entrepreneur, the idea of ​​opening his own production of one of these materials (at first at least one) will be an interesting task.

However, you immediately need to monitor the market at the time of competition in your area. If within a small territory someone is already producing similar products, you will need to start carefully, imagining in advance what you can oppose to the existing offer.

If you decide to start the production of artificial stone, which is now popular in the construction market, keep in mind that you will have to be puzzled by renting a suitable room that will accommodate both the workshop itself (albeit small in size) and a warehouse for storing finished products.

The equipment is relatively inexpensive. And this is another reason to think about the possibility of opening your own production of this particular material.

82. Manufacture of leather belts

Hand made leather goods are highly valued. There are a large number of options for these products - from housekeepers, cardholders and wallets, to real hiking bags and backpacks. However, good quality belts are in demand most of all.

Opening your own production of leather belts is not at all costly. There is no need for any special expensive machines. Only handy tools. However, the catch lies elsewhere - the skill that comes with experience.

Therefore, if you are not a master leatherworker, then you have two ways to make a profit from this business. The first is to learn and sell your products along the way, increasing volumes, skills and customers. The second is to hire several craftsmen, or buy products from them by opening your own shop-shop.

The second option is more costly, because at least half of the profits will go to the craftsmen, and you will also have to pay taxes, rent, and so on. The first option can become a high-margin business. But it will take much more time.

83. Homemade jam production

Homemade food has long been a trend. Baking, cakes, pastries, jams - all this, not made at the factory, is appreciated and bought. Therefore, there is a rational grain in the idea of ​​opening our own production of jams.

You just need to understand where to start and where to go. So, the best option for an entrepreneur would be the idea to start making jams for sale in small quantities. At this stage, if you can make a really tasty and relatively inexpensive product, you will need to focus on creating a brand, branded packaging and spreading information about it on social media. Because the organization of production in large quantities will require investments in equipment.

So if you are starting from scratch, don't expect big profits. Try making sales with little or no investment first. And if you understand that you like it, and most importantly - like the consumer, feel free to move on.

84. Manufacture of magnets

This is a simple matter that does not require spending on expensive equipment and renting a large workshop. You can even make magnets at home. However, this niche can be an unpleasant surprise.

The fact is that the main buyers of magnets are tourists. This means that the sales market is concentrated where they are - souvenir shops and places of travel for tourist excursions. And this is where the problem arises.

The fact is that the competition there is simply incredible. Moreover, the tour guides are also directly involved in this business. They direct their tourists to specific stores without giving a chance to those who do not pay a percentage. In a word, the mafia. But everyone survives as best he can. Therefore, you can start this business only if you have a certain agreement. You can negotiate supplies with souvenir shops. Or negotiate with the guides if you yourself put a separate point of sale on the route of tourists.

85. Growing greens

Growing dill, onions, parsley for sale is a controversial idea for a novice entrepreneur. On the one hand, greens are in great demand among consumers. They buy it a lot every day. On the other hand, how to sell it? Either as grandmothers at the shops, or as grocery stalls.

In the first case, there is no talk of business. There won't even be enough profit to pay for housing and communal services (although it can be used as a hobby with a small margin). In the second case, it makes no sense for you to sell only greens. And then the business goes into the category of organizing its own vegetable or fruit stall. And that's another topic.

Therefore, it makes sense to consider only the third option. Grow greens for delivery to such stalls. But here you need to understand that they already have their own suppliers. So it's not worth starting without sound analysis. You need to make sure that you can offer more favorable terms for the stall owners than those who are already selling them greens now. Otherwise, the investment in the organization of the farm simply will not pay off. After all, a lot of money will go there.

86. Production of rubber tiles

This material is widely used in modern construction. Special paths, coverings for playgrounds, gyms and areas in recreation parks are made of it. Mainly because it is a reliable and safe material that often avoids injury. This means that the sales market is large enough, and the business can be profitable for aspiring entrepreneurs.

However, the investment in equipment will be rather big. A production line that will make it possible to produce tiles from crumb rubber will cost several million rubles. In addition, a production workshop will be required, the rent of which also costs money. This means that the payback period for such a project will be more than one year. But in the long term, there is every chance to create a very profitable and profitable production.

87. Bee apiary

Eco-products, as we have already stated more than once, are the trend of the modern world. And natural honey has long been perceived by the inhabitants of our country as an extremely useful, tasty and necessary product. Therefore, there is a demand for it. Especially during the cold season.

But a novice entrepreneur will not be able to open his own apiary just like that. Even if there is suitable land and there is a sales market (for example, the apiary will be located near a large city), knowledge and skills will be required. And if they are not there initially, then there are only two options - to receive. Or hire professionals as an investor. But for a budding entrepreneur, this is not a good fit.

It is much easier if you already know how to handle bees and get honey for yourself and your loved ones. Then the idea to make a business out of it is the right decision. But keep in mind that many people now sell honey in cities. And resellers, and supermarkets, and private traders. Therefore, analyze the market and think about what you can oppose to the current players. By the way, sometimes there is a sufficiently high-quality appearance that will attract attention and increase the popularity of a new brand.

88. Production of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese, like many other fermented milk products, has long been included in the stable diet of Russia. It is used to prepare various dishes and is also eaten raw. Therefore, there is always a demand for it. At the same time, "natural" is valued higher. That is, not the one that is sold in hypermarkets from factories, but a village one, or made in mini-factories.

It can be sold both at retail, to the end consumer, renting a place in the market (this is cheap and will be in demand), and wholesale to small shops.

Therefore, the idea of ​​opening your own small production for a novice entrepreneur may look interesting. You just need to understand that a fairly large investment in equipment will be required. From several million rubles. Naturally, with all its demand, cottage cheese is not a product that will make you earn a lot of money at once, therefore, the payback period will be on average more than one and a half years. However, own production of cottage cheese and other dairy products can become a stable business that brings a good income. Moreover, due to the specifics of demand, there is room for increasing production volumes. The main thing is to withstand the level of competition.

89. Chicken Farm

Chicken meat and eggs are in constant demand. And many entrepreneurs who own their own plots are thinking about using it specifically for a small farm, which will provide a small income without taking a lot of time.

It makes no sense for a novice entrepreneur to start large-scale production, there are large poultry farms in this segment and it will not be possible to compete with them. But you can find your own small market segment that will bring regular customers. Fortunately, many people consume chicken and eggs.

Another plus is that there is no need for expensive equipment. In fact, an entrepreneur can make a poultry house from scrap materials himself, gradually improving it.

90. Handmade soap

We have already written about handmade cosmetics. And how you can easily organize its production without renting a special room. For those who do not want to spray, you can go an even smarter way and start with the production of a specific soap. This will require special knowledge, but it is easy to get it on the Internet, like the actual cooking master classes.

What you need to know first - and there are several directions here. Soap can be "zero" and "gift". Gift soap is made in an extremely simple way and allows even those who have never done this to start producing a product. This is done using a ready-made soap base, as well as food colors and flavors. Molds are also purchased.

"Zero" soap is a more complex technology, but more profitable in terms of margins. In this case, the master himself creates a base from chemicals, and then acts according to the plan of the first option.

In order to start making soap, use the information on the Internet. You won't earn much from this. But there are always theoretical prospects for development. After all, even among the big players, there are those selling handmade soaps.

91. Production of fruit chips

Fruit chips are an excellent light product that is not yet very popular in Russia. However, the fact that its popularity is growing is evidenced by the fact that it appears on the shelves of large chain hypermarkets. Therefore, for a budding entrepreneur, organizing their own production of fruit chips can be a promising idea.

It remains only to understand how seriously you want to do it. There is an option to use this idea as a hobby that makes money, and if successful, expand production. That is, start cooking chips using home technologies. This method will not require large investments from you, however, you will need to take care of the presentable appearance of the product and packaging already here, so that later you can use the tools for creating a brand.

The second way is to organize a large-scale production at once using professional equipment. But here you will need investments both in machines and in a special room that you will rent for workshops and warehouses. In this case, the profit can be many times higher. But taking into account the money spent, you need to be prepared for the fact that the entire production will pay off for several years.

92. Salad production

Long gone are the days when ready-made salads could only be found in restaurants and home kitchens. Now people prefer not to cook them even on holidays, but to buy for a specific number of people. Well, supermarkets gladly took advantage of the new demand and organized their own production of salads, offering the consumer fresh options.

For a novice entrepreneur, this idea may be interesting from the point of view of the fact that packaged salads are also sold in ordinary small shops, cafes and other establishments. They are bought for lunch by students and business workers.

Setting up production is actually not so difficult. Essentially, you need regular kitchen equipment. Unless your production must meet all sanitary requirements.

It is much more difficult to break through the competition. Because there are few players in this market, but they cover the needs of most of the demand. Hypermarkets produce themselves, while cafes supply the same mini- and medium-sized businesses. You will have to compete with them. Therefore, it will be necessary to assess in advance the prospects and prices of participants.

93. Craft Brewery

Starting a craft brewery is a great business idea. Beer is one of the most popular products in Russia (although Russia is far from the most drinking country, as it is customary to promote it). And craft beer is becoming more popular every year. Beer factories are, of course, still a long way from losing the battle for the customer to small breweries. But already in hypermarkets, separate stands with beer brands appear, and craft bars are opening, which actively attract their customers, although such beer is sold at a higher price.

But for a beginner such a business, if it is not sold under a franchise, there is not much sense in opening it. First, these are far from small investments. You can't even get by with two million rubles. Secondly, modern legislation makes the work of small craft breweries much more difficult. Not so long ago, analysts even began to say that this industry in Russia will soon come to an end. But so far, things are not as bad as they could be.

94. Production of ecologically clean water

Why can an entrepreneur compete with large companies that have already distributed the bottled water market? Because companies in the price of water include bottling, and the bottles themselves, and transportation, and the salaries of employees, and so on and so forth. Of course, no one will overstate the prices greatly. After all, there are several large players on the market who are fighting with each other.

But this is precisely why a newcomer to this market segment has the opportunity to succeed. The main thing is not to immediately focus on a large area of ​​consumer demand, but to start small.

However, in order to enter the market, the product itself is required. How to create a production of high-quality and clean water? Either by repeated boiling or by reverse osmosis. This is the name of complex filtering. The first way is cheaper and easier. However, water from this loses many of its useful qualities, and the taste suffers. Although the removal of harmful substances is clearly getting rid of.

The second method is better and will give more chances that the product will appeal to the consumer. But the equipment is more expensive for him.

Therefore, it is extremely important for a novice entrepreneur to correctly calculate their strengths by making both a market analysis and an analysis of their own capabilities.

95. Manufacture of disposable tableware

Disposable tableware, despite the fact that the whole world is trying to abandon plastic, is still very much in demand on the market. It is used mainly in public catering, and there are a lot of players in this market segment. This means that the demand is great. In addition, spoons, forks, cups and plates are sold both in hypermarkets and in small stores, because people buy them for festivities, for barbecue, and generally willingly use them whenever possible. What does it mean? The fact that the demand is great here.

Therefore, for a novice entrepreneur, the idea of ​​organizing the production of disposable tableware may come in handy.

In order to establish such production, it will be necessary to purchase equipment - an injection molding machine, an extruder, a molding machine. Experts advise purchasing foreign-made lines if large volumes are required. But large volumes require a lot of money, so you can start small and expand as you accumulate capital from your own activities.

As a rule, polystyrene and polypropylene are used as raw materials. But no one will have any problems with deliveries.

But the sales market will have to sweat. First, you can try to reach local small-format stores. But it is better to do it before the kebab season. Secondly, you can organize an online sale, and create an advertising campaign, but it will be worth the additional costs. So even before the equipment is purchased, the entrepreneur will have to analyze the market well and understand who exactly he will supply his goods to.

96. Production of paving slabs

Paving slabs are used not only by municipalities for the improvement of the city, but also by many construction companies, and even private clients for the arrangement of personal plots. That is, there is a demand for it. The second plus is the relative cheapness of production. A budding entrepreneur will not need to spend large sums of money to purchase equipment. You will need a pair of concrete mixers, a pouring mold, metal drying racks, a vibrating table where demoulding is carried out, a packaging device, PVC film, hydraulic rockers, pallets.

An appropriate room will also be required, which can accommodate both a production workshop and storage facilities.

However, in addition to the equipment, certain knowledge will also be needed, so it will be necessary to pay for the work of the technologist. All this must be written in the business plan in advance in order to understand what investments will have to be looked for, and how long it will take to recoup them. Taking into account the fact that most likely there are several tile suppliers operating in your region.

97. Production of alcohol

This is not the most suitable business for a beginner entrepreneur, but with due diligence and perseverance, it can become an occupation that will bring huge profits. But the first thing an entrepreneur needs is a thorough study of the specifics of the market. At a minimum, this is necessary in order to understand what kind of alcohol is most in demand and the supply does not cover the demand. The second point is the choice of suppliers of raw materials. It is required to choose someone who will deliver both inexpensively and efficiently. The farther the supplier is from you, the more expensive the raw materials will cost you, which means your final product will be more expensive, which means it will be more difficult for you to compete in this difficult market. Because the competition is very high here.

An important factor is investment in production. Unlike many other businesses, alcohol production is a complex process that requires good equipment. But this is not the main thing. The main thing is the cost of obtaining a license and compliance with all legal regulations. There are a lot of them here. The equipment, although high-quality is required, should not cause any special problems. You will need a garage tank with a drain valve and a hatch for a water seal or a stainless steel technical bathroom, as well as distillation equipment. In addition, thermoelectric heaters, refrigerators, separators and alcohol measuring instruments, as well as tanks for storing and transporting the finished product.

98. Production of corrugated board

We have already touched upon the construction sector more than once. This is because there are many profitable and demanded directions in this industry. Including for aspiring entrepreneurs. One of them is the production of corrugated board - a material in demand in the construction of completely different objects, for which there is a constant demand. However, where there is demand, there is supply. Therefore, if you are interested in this area, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to compete with a large number of companies.

And this is the main reason not to get down to business. If, after analyzing the market in your region, you understand that the offer for corrugated boarding is high, then it may be worth thinking about another option. If, nevertheless, the desire to do this business is more than fear, then first secure the minimum demand. That is, even before the production of the first batch, you must have customers. Otherwise, you run the risk of never recouping investments in the business, especially since the demand here is seasonal.

99. Production of crushed stone and colored chips

Another area in the construction business that requires a thorough analysis of the market for competition. If it is small, then the business promises to be profitable, because crushed stone is used by most large construction companies. Moreover, there are usually no problems with the purchase of raw materials for this type of employment, and the production itself is very profitable.

But again, if you understand that you will have to compete very tough, then first think over your sales market. Establish contacts, find out at what price customers would be willing to buy from you, and can you offer such a price?

100. Manufacture of toilet paper

The idea sounds tempting, especially after the world learned in 2020 what it means to buy toilet paper in bulk. But we included it in this list not because of the hype caused by the pandemic. But simply because this is a really interesting business idea for a budding entrepreneur. Toilet paper is in constant demand. But you need to understand that large hypermarkets have their own suppliers, and you won't be able to enter the market with this product just like that.

For those who still cannot boast of volumes, they will have to look for a smaller sales market. And the first to come to mind are small shops near the house. They are not so much tied to their suppliers. Especially when it comes to a product that is not the main one in their assortment, but is desirable on the shelves. Therefore, it will be necessary to work in this direction. You can also focus on wholesale work with various business centers and shopping malls. Because they also buy paper for public restrooms on an ongoing basis.

For the production of toilet paper, you need several machines - rewinding, cutting and packing table. There are different machines on the market, so you need to first understand how powerful you need them. We recommend staying not on the most powerful ones, because this way you can save a lot. And while there is not a large number of customers, there is no sense in a huge amount of goods either.

101. Own farm

Opening your own farm is recommended for those who are directly familiar with working in agriculture. Now government programs are aimed at maintaining it, and farm products are a trend in the food market.

But if this is a foreign niche for you, then it is worth considering something else. Because working with animals, agricultural land, as well as organizing all processes and people requires not only perseverance and money, but also experience and knowledge.

In addition, the farm, in its broadest sense, contains many different directions that can be considered as a business separately. This is the breeding of chickens, which we talked about, and the greenery farm, and the production of other popular goods.


In any case, before making the final choice of production for your own business, you will need to study well the market in which you are going to operate. You need to know the audience, and the demand, and the ability to pay, and competitors in order to understand what to expect and what marketing tools to use. Please note that your business will have to meet the following criteria:

The product should be in demand, which will not be greatly influenced by the level of income of the population.

The raw materials that you will use for production are supplied by Russian companies, otherwise you will simply significantly increase the cost of finished products.

The level of competition must be acceptable. It makes no sense to enter an oversaturated market with such costs.


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