You're in luck if your boss doesn't.
The work of the whole team often depends on the loyalty and leadership qualities of the chef. A competent leader directs and supports staff, an illiterate one kills any initiative and desire to do something with a soul. talks about 7 things good bosses never do.
1. Don't misappropriate your ideas
Collective intelligence is always good. It is bad if the successes of this mind are appropriated by one person. Working with a boss who is deaf to your suggestions over and over again, and then presents them as his own grand plan, is unbearable. This is very demotivating and depressing employee engagement. It is especially offensive if we are not talking about top management, but about the immediate head of a department or department. After all, the chances of a salary increase or revision are reduced significantly, since no one knows about your contribution to the development of the company.
How to be in this case
We recommend that you submit ideas in writing. Send them by mail or print them with the date. So you can prove the authorship of your proposals, or at least reasonably remind the boss where this or that plan came from in his head.
2. Do not raise their voice and do not adhere to a rude tone in communication
When a leader allows himself to be rude or aggressive towards subordinates, he thereby destroys his own authority. Nobody respects boors and rude people, working under the guidance of such a person is uncomfortable and unpleasant.
If at work this is considered the norm, you risk never climbing the career ladder, since such a leadership style kills the desire for development and professional growth in subordinates.
What to do about it
First of all, it's important to understand why your boss is behaving this way. If it's just such a whim, and not a desire to make work more productive, avoid mistakes, raise team morale (sometimes these methods work), then you are in trouble.
Often, it is useless to argue, talk and try to explain to the rude boss that this is impossible. Therefore, you have two options: change jobs or get used to it. The choice is yours. But if you are planning to build a career, it is better to get rid of the oppression of the tyrant boss as soon as possible.
3. Do not violate the internal order
There is an expression “the bosses are not late, the bosses are late”. So this is one of the rules of irresponsible leaders. Good bosses, first, are not late, and second, they don’t come up with excuses.
If the company has rules, all employees, including the boss, must adhere to them. At the same time, it is obvious that he may be late at the meeting, reschedule the meeting or cancel the scheduled conversation, since he really may have more important things to do. We are talking about the systematic disregard of the rules that the management itself prescribed for all employees of the company.
The boss should work in such a way that subordinates are ashamed to work badly.
Is it possible to fight this
It is unlikely that you will be able to shame the leadership or influence its irresponsibility. Just keep in mind that you may be let down at the most unexpected moment, or learn how to properly criticize your boss .
4. Not "scattered" by employees
The phrase "I don't keep anyone here" is one of the most powerful demotivators that a subordinate can hear from his management. If the company does not hold on to you, it means that it does not really need you, your contribution is not appreciated, and you (if necessary) can easily be replaced. Well, who would like to work in such conditions? Nobody.
How to escape from such a fate
Increase your value. Make every effort so that management understands that you are still an important person in the company and that your work is not useless. This is the first option.
The second is more radical. Find a place where your work will be appreciated. But it’s better to still try to deal with the problem at your current place of work. Otherwise, it will not belong to become an employee-flyer.
5. Not satisfied with hazing
In a good team, everyone is appreciated. The bosses treat the employees with respect, and they reciprocate. In the worst case, the older comrades in the shop shift all the most uninteresting and boring work to those who are younger, or to newcomers. Moreover, the type of team directly depends on the style of leadership.
What to do if your company is not doing well
Never let yourself be bullied at work. Remember that professional qualities come first, not who works longer or who is older in age. Mobbing at work is not allowed.
6. Don't make up rules for the sake of rules
Each company has its own traditions and its own charters. Some of them have developed over time empirically, others are dictated by legislation. Working by the rules is easier than working in anarchy. But it's good if these “laws” make life easier for employees. And if not?
For example, you cannot eat in the office, even at lunchtime. But at the same time, the office does not have a kitchen or at least a utility room where one could dine. At other enterprises, it is forbidden to enter social networks from work computers (although no one has canceled the phones yet).
What to do if you do not like the current regulations
If you value your workplace, understand and forgive. No matter how funny the rules are, if there are any, it's best to follow them. But you can also suggest your own ideas and edits so that office laws are not just strict and intimidating, but useful and effective.
7. Do not evaluate employees
The talent of the leader (among other things) is to inspire the team for new achievements, to establish a friendly pleasant atmosphere in the team, and also to evaluate the effectiveness of the employees' work. A competent boss does not criticize the staff, does not get personal, but criticizes actions or their results.
Remember: criticism should be detailed, reasoned, and to the point, directed not at you personally, but at your mistakes or shortcomings. wants you to come across sensitive and talented leaders on your professional path, with whom it is interesting to work and from whom you do not want to leave.